Book Review: I Shot You Babe
By Leslie Langtry
Book Four in the Greatest Hits Mysteries
Dorchester Publishing
Release Date: June 30th
4 Heart Review
I loved that the point of view of the story is told from the male perspective, make that the point of view of a hitman with a guinea pig for a companion. The dry wit and dark humor, combined with the idea of a family who has run an international assassin organization for centuries, makes for a fantastic read.
Don't let all the talk about hitmen and assassins fool you- this is a fresh contemporary romance with a big dash of suspense and some great characters!
The one issue I had was that Leslie's way of Cy and Ronnie running into each other is too far out to be believed. There were just too many coincidental meetings to have been purely accidental and not somehow pre-arranged. If just one of the run-ins had been set-up by Cy (or Ronnie) then it would have done much for the believability of the story.
I'll be adding Leslie's previous Greatest Hits Mysteries to my to buy pile – even though the story had a few issues, she has a voice that is distinctive,completely original, and I want to hear the stories for the rest of the family! Check out all of her books at her website.
By Leslie Langtry
Book Four in the Greatest Hits Mysteries
Dorchester Publishing
Release Date: June 30th
4 Heart Review
Coney Bombay is one hot assassin with an Ivy League PhD who travels the world operating carnival rides. He also likes to knit and has a pet guinea pig names Sartre. Even in his wild family of killers, Cy stands out. But after a series of run-ins with perennial grad student Veronica Gale, the cool cat is starting toWhat a great voice! I could tell from the first few pages that Leslie Langtry had a very distinctive way of telling a story and one that I would thoroughly enjoy.
feel a little hot under the collar.
In her research, Ronnie Gale has seen a lot. Problem is, she hasn't actually done a lot. The mysterious Cy Bombay seems about to change all that with a whirlwind adventure that will take them form a small-town country fair to the outer reaches of Mongolia. But when love is on the line and there's a murder to be solved, will Ronnie really be willing to climb out of the ivory tower and get a little down and dirty?
I loved that the point of view of the story is told from the male perspective, make that the point of view of a hitman with a guinea pig for a companion. The dry wit and dark humor, combined with the idea of a family who has run an international assassin organization for centuries, makes for a fantastic read.
Don't let all the talk about hitmen and assassins fool you- this is a fresh contemporary romance with a big dash of suspense and some great characters!
The one issue I had was that Leslie's way of Cy and Ronnie running into each other is too far out to be believed. There were just too many coincidental meetings to have been purely accidental and not somehow pre-arranged. If just one of the run-ins had been set-up by Cy (or Ronnie) then it would have done much for the believability of the story.
I'll be adding Leslie's previous Greatest Hits Mysteries to my to buy pile – even though the story had a few issues, she has a voice that is distinctive,completely original, and I want to hear the stories for the rest of the family! Check out all of her books at her website.
I love ALL her books. She's one of my favorite authors!! I'm glad you loved Cy's book; I've been jonesing for him forever now!