I've been listening to The Most To Lose by Laura Landon on my commute to and from work this past week. I'm loving the heroine and hero but there are a few slight things that take me out of the story. Nothing too big yet, but we'll see how the story develops.
On the print side, I picked up this little cutie and it's my first Harlequin Kiss title to read. I'm really looking forward to starting it during my lunch break today.
Harlequin is also offering up a free download of a Harlequin Kiss book so anyone can try the line out before buying one. This is the link to the download page. So, what are you reading? Anything lately that you cannot recommend highly enough? Please share and add to all of our TBR piles! Oh - and if you've read any of the new Harlequin Kiss books tell us what you thought! I love that it's a lower price point book that makes it easy to add to whatever you're buying and not have to feel too guilty. I mean $1.94 a Walmart for a book seems amazing to me!
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