Thoughts From My Trip…Books Have Amazing Powers!

BarnabasCollins_MarilynRoss So I’m back from my trip, and I wanted to share something fun and interesting that happened while I was visiting my family.

Staying with the Aunt & Uncle, I found myself pondering their bookshelves. It’s always interesting to see what books do people not only keep, but display in main rooms of their homes for all to see.

My Aunt is a die-hard mystery fan and has every Hardcover Stephen King novel. What I found so interesting, were the shelves next to those.

I found two entire shelves full of old paperbacks and at first thought they were Harlequins. They weren’t but equally cool was learning about what they were and hearing my Aunt’s story behind them.

They were slim paperback Gothics written in the 60’s & 70’s by Marilyn Ross and based on the Dark Shadows TV show. Now, I’ve never seen the show but who hasn’t heard of it and isn’t aware of how popular it was.

The fascinating part was that my Aunt had these books because it was the one thing she and her grandmother bonded over. She fondly remembers them sharing their thoughts on the TV show and spending time together watching it. So, these books became something they shared as well. They would pass them back and forth and have discussions on them like a little 2 person book club.

I loved this story and was happy to hear this started a relationship between the two women and books they would share. As my Aunt got older, they began to swap romance novels and Kathleen Woodiwiss was a favorite author. Since I’ve just started reading Kathleen’s books, I was excited to start talking about them.

dc534310fca0748f58d4a010_L Then it struck me, how amazing books are with connecting people across generations. How awesome that I’m reading and loving books that were read and loved by someone who technically could have been my Great-Great Grandmother.

Books have such a power to inspire, entertain and connect people and I was deeply touched to discover this shared connection with my Aunt and hear her stories.

Have you connected with someone of a different generation over the same book? Are there some novels out there so timeless that they easily lend themselves to sharing with both old and young alike?

Cuteness while on the run...

I'm traveling today and will try to post later, but wanted to at least leave you a little something for fun...

funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

So, are you a cat person or a dog person? I bet you wouldn't believe it for all the photos I post of LOL Cats, but I'm a total dog girl so far. I've actually never owned a cat but I'm hoping to convince the Hubby to get one soon.

New Release Tuesday

There are an insane amount of new releases out today, so this list is just a sample of what you can find. Sorry for the simplified Amazon links, but I’m short on time today and tried to figure out the quickest way to get this info to you. The links will take you to see a better cover image and some details about each book.

Head to your nearest store and check out those shelves!

Black Magic Sanction Is Out – RUN To Your Local Bookstore!

BMShc One of my most anticipated books of 2010 happened to release while I was away and I can’t let another day go by without discussing it.

I haven’t read the book yet, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no spoilers, but I’m pretty sure the spectacular Mrs. Harrison will keep us Hallows fans happy with Black Magic Sanction!

Mrs. Harrison is an absolute master at world-building and creating characters you love and love to hate. I “discovered” her in my all-time favorite way – I randomly selected a good looking audio book at the library and the rest is history.

I do highly recommend the Audio Book versions of the Hallows series, but I’ve also read the books. Yes, I am a book geek. To read and listen to the same book means I’m in love. :)

For those not familiar with Mrs. Harrison and her Hallows-verse(Rachel Morgan Series) I have a treat for you. The publisher is offering free eBooks of the first book in the series, Dead Witch Walking.

Here is the FREE Amazon version.

Here is the FREE Barnes & Nobles version.

Here is the FREE Sony Reader version.

I seriously cannot recommend this series enough. It’s the very best Urban Fantasy I’ve ever read with the question of who Rachel will end up with being one of my favorite romance plots ever!

The Geeks of Doom have released Mrs. Harrison’s first ever book trailer. Click here to head over there and check it out!

Where the *$#@ Have I Been?

So, I’ve been MIA – I literally dropped off the face of the Earth there for awhile and I hope you’ve been keeping yourselves entertained while I’ve been gone.

There have been some AMAZING book releases while I was away that I’m going to do a write-up on soon just to make sure I’ve covered them.

I also have a few reviews coming up for books I TOTALLY adored.

So where exactly have I been? Well, it’s been a little of the good and the bad, but I’ll stick with the good…I moved! The Hubby and I bought a house and I’ve been working night and day packing, painting the new house before the movers put all our HUGE furniture in the rooms and we’d never be able to move them again, and trying to coordinate everything.

I swear, it’s like I’m the director of a Broadway show – this must happen over here, before Mr. Cable enters from stage left.

While we still have a TON on DIY projects to do on the house, we are finally totally in the house and I’m starting to unpack. The paint inside the house was the first thing we had to tackle. These people were insane with crazy color choices. For instance, this lovely pic is our master bedroom – which we dubbed the John Deer Room. That’s primer you see going onto the wall on the right side. Yep, have to primer every single wall. Sigh. BUT, it does mean I get exactly the colors I wanted!

John Deere RoomIf you’re an author or publicist waiting to see my review of your book – I’m sorry! I tried to pack the books in order of release date so They’ll be easier to organize as I unpack them. I promise I’ll get to them soon!

So, what great books have you read lately? I’ve missed so many releases I can use your input!

Monday Morning Cuteness Round 2!

I couldn't pass up posting this because the top photo is one of my all-time favorites. I'm probably responsible for at least 100 hits on that link. It's seriously cute, and if looking at those stubbular little legs doesn't make you smile nothing will!

Photo From Cute Overload. Check out the whole link here: Trust me you have to go there!

Monday Morning Cuteness!

Funny Pictures of Cats With Captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Bloggers, Writers & Readers: An Online Conference Just for You!

Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference

Head over to the Romance in the Backseat website (click on the image you see and you'll go right over there) and you'll see all the details about the online conference. I'm hoping to participate, and I'll have more details on that as we get closer to March.

The cool news is, they've added an author and reader portion of the conference! Sunday March 21st will be Author & Reader Day! Bloggers, Readers and Authors will have time to talk to each other and get details on how we can all promote and enjoy books and authors.

New Release Tuesday!

For your reading pleasure I present some of the new books releasing this week. There are way to many awesome looking books releasing this week and I could not fit them all on this list. Head to your local bookstore to see even more new precious pretties!

Lessons in French By Laura Kinsale


Ecstasy Unveiled (The Demonica Series) by Larissa Ione


No Prince Charming by Shiloh Walker


A Tale of Two Demon Slayers By Angie Fox


The Elusive Bride By Stephanie Laurens


Odd Stuff by Virginia Nelson


The Mammoth Book of Irish Romance


Hold On Tight By Stephanie Tyler


Twice as Hot By Gena Showalter


“Wicked Sexy” by R.G. Alexander

wicked S

Here Comes Trouble By Donna Kauffman


Question for Cheeky Readers – Would you rather see new releases from not as well known authors to help you discover something new, or keep a mix of well-known and newer authors? Sometimes I wonder if listing some of the “big names” helps readers or if they already know about those releases. Drop me a comment and let me know!