I spent a few minutes of my life today browsing the romance selections at the Borders right across the parking lot from my office. If I’m ever in need of a 5-10 minute break or a nice lunch treat, I walk over there and get lost in the books.
I thought it might be fun to do a regular feature where I post about any book covers that really caught my eye, or books I hadn’t heard of but discovered there. Pretty much a post about what caught my eye at Borders.
So, here my first of these posts and what caught my eye today. Funny enough, today I’m featuring all Harlequin titles. I really had no idea when I was taking the pics – when I got back I realized they were all from different HAR lines. Guess I like what the cover gods over at HAR do!

Amanda McIntyre always gets amazing covers for her Harlequin Spice books, and The Master & The Muses is no exception.

What caught my eye about this one was it’s a different look for a Blaze. Usually they have both men or women or they tend to have blond heroes on the cover. This one struck me as different.

This is the one I came away with today. I’ve heard great things about Lynn Raye Harris’ Presents books so I thought I would try one out. Hope to have a review sometime soon.

Ok, this book screams sexy summer beach read to me. And no, I’m not talking about the Guinness World Records book. I absolutely love this cover for Susan Anderson’s Skintight. It makes me feel happy just to look at it!
That’s it for this week. Until next time happy reading!