New Release Tuesday

Here are some awesome new releases out today. I've included the amazon links so you can read all the info and the back cover blurbs/descriptions without me having to include it all here.

Make sure to check out the link to the latest Samhain releases as well for those of you who love eBooks!

Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid, Book 5)

Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid, Book 5)

Lois Lane Tells All

Lois Lane Tells All

Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, Book 5)

Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, Book 5)

Flirting with Forever

Flirting with Forever

Pure Temptation

Pure Temptation

Touch of Seduction (Hqn)

Touch of Seduction (Hqn)

The Perfect Poison (Arcane Society, Book 6)

The Perfect Poison (Arcane Society, Book 6)

Tempted: Little Miss Innocent?\Annie, Get Your Guy\Messing Around with Max (Hqn)

Tempted: Little Miss Innocent?\Annie, Get Your Guy\Messing Around with Max (Hqn)

Home in Carolina (Sweet Magnolias)

Home in Carolina (Sweet Magnolias)

On Shadow Beach

On Shadow Beach

Happy Reading!

The Triple Threat Giveaway! So, What Is It?

The Triple Threat Giveaway:

Triple Threat 2
Celebrating Twilight, Supernatural, and Vampire Diaries
Join us for the fun, games, and giveaways

Supernatural Radio Show New Episode Rundown

Scare Me Up Some Supernatural
Read what Authors have to say about one of our favorite TV shows.

Sexy Sunday Contest and Giveaway
Team Edward – Hottest picture of Edward Cullen – Judged by author Veronica Blake

Sunday – Watch New Moon with Us
Terry Kate and the masterminds behind Teens Read and Write share their take on New Moon.  Get your DVD cued up and when we say play you will be joining us and hundreds others as we go through the movie together.

Monday -
Vampire Diaries Discussion at Novel Reaction
Discuss the books that made the show – see where the series is going.  If you are watching the show are you reading the books?

Tuesday -
What Readers have to Say on The Neverending Shelf
Twilight Lovers and Haters share your thoughts -
Twilight Lovers what is the worst part of the Saga
Twilight Haters, what is the best part of the Twilight Saga

Wednesday -
Twisted Fates Cafe

Thursday -
Battle of the Sexies on Backseat Nightmares
Sam vs Dean
Stefen vs Damon
Edward vs Jacob
On what side of the divide do you fall?

Team Jacob on Book Faery
Hear who’s team Tori is on.

Friday -
Giveaway and Discussion on Cheeky Reads
What is it about the Twilight series that appeals/doesn’t appeal to woman? Is it all about the pretty boys or is there more to it than that?

Saturday -
Discussion and Giveaway on Dark of Knight
10 ways to loose Bella – by Jacob Black
Author Tracey Mitchell shares what she thinks were Jacob’s 10 biggest mistakes in his suit for Bella.
Share your ideas and enter to win a copy of Tracey’s new release coming out this May!

Sunday -
Sexy Sunday Contest and Giveaway
Team Jacob – Hottest picture of Jacob Black

You Love Me…You Really Love Me!

Ok, so I know that has been insanely over-used but it’s the best I got today. :) In the past few weeks Cheeky Reads has been shown the love and been given some awesome blog awards.
Huge thanks to Jillian at Random Ramblings for two awards – the Stylish Blogger Award and the Beautiful Blogger Award! Thank you so much.
awards3 Beautiful blog award
You are supposed to pass these awards on to 15 blogs you think are stunning, beautiful, stylish, etc. etc. LOL
Here are 15 blogs I totally envy their design savvy and pass these two awards to:
  1. All Things Urban Fantasy
  2. SciFiGuy
  3. Book Junkie
  4. Book Soulmates
  5. The Bookette
  6. My Overstuffed Bookshelf
  7. The Neverending Shelf
  8. Cindy’s Love of Books
  9. Erotic Romance Reader
  10. Lynette’s Two Cents
  11. The Daily Dose
  12. Fiction Vixen
  13. Seductive Musings
  14. Good Books And Good Wine
  15. Parajunkee’s View 
I’d also like to thank Steph from Paper Cut Reviews for the awesome “Over The Top” blog award!
overthetopawardI’m supposed to answer following questions and then pass this award on to 5 other blogs. So here goes:
  1. The Book Resort
  2. Book Faery
  3. Smexy Books
  4. The Book Vixen
  5. Marissa’s Booklair
These are all fabulous blogs that if you haven’t check out, you should head on over!

Monday Morning Cuteness!

Ever feel like this…

funny pictures of cats with captions see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Are you a fan of SUPERNATURAL?

Awesome blogger Terry Kate from Romance in The Backseat is hosting a radio chat about the show tonight and I wanted to share the details:

Lets Talk about SUPERNATURAL Tonight - radio show with trivia and giveaways tonight!

Looking For Awesome Book Blogs?

I’m excited that I found this awesome new weekly feature from Crazy-For-Books and I wanted to share it with you. Basically, it’s a list of all kinds of book blogs and what genres they cover so you can easily discover new sites you’ll love.

Head on over and check it out to see if you happen upon a new favorite blog!

Happy Reading!

Author Interview: 10 Questions with Ashley Ladd

crazyinlove_800 I’m excited to introduce Ashley Ladd, the author of Crazy in Love, a new Erotic Short Romance story from Total-E Bound. Ashley was nice enough to sit down and answer a few questions for us and I hope you enjoy the interview!
Make sure to scroll down after the interview to enter to win a copy of Crazy in Love!
Your newest release Crazy in Love features Kacey and Heath, a married couple who seem to have lost that spark. Can you tell us more about how they got to this point and what readers can look forward to in Crazy in Love? Heath is a young, hot shot attorney who's putting all of himself into his job. He loves his wife but is rarely home. When he is home, he's too tired or too busy working from home to pay attention to her. Thus Kacey feels neglected. When he rejects her advances and is annoyed when she tries to talk to him, she begins to think he doesn't love her anymore. She's ready to leave and start over.
When Kacey claims the ghost of her crazy great-grandfather is threatening to kill her, and her friend tells Heath that Kacey thinks he's fallen out of love with her, he finally realizes he has to take drastic measures to keep the woman he loves and save his marriage.
Characters really make a story for me, so I always love to ask authors what three words would you use to describe your hero? Passionate, work-aholic, sexy
What three words best represent your heroine? Genealogy buff, cat-lover, flirty
What was your favorite part of writing Crazy in Love? Any particular scenes or plot twists you couldn't wait to write? (Ok - we understand, no spoilers allowed!) My favorite part was researching the history, getting the dialogue and medical terms right, and creating a crazy ghost.
The ghost of Kacey's great-grandfather plays a central role in Crazy in Love. Where did your inspiration for the character come from? Have you ever been visited by a ghost? No, I've never been visited by a ghost but my younger daughter used to think a ghost visited her at night when she was little. She thought it was the ghost of my mother, but my daughter was only four, so she couldn't really explain why she thought so. I've had other adult friends who think their houses were haunted, too. One of them told me to put a half full glass of water next to my daughter's bedside at night to keep the ghost away.
My family history inspired this story. It's amazing how many fascinating stories are in the pages of genealogy. This is my second story inspired by our family genealogy. The first was in an anthology that is sadly out of print. But that story was a lot of fun to write, too.
You've authored over 40 books. How do you keep it fresh and what are your favorite stories to write? I'm having fun with ghosts and time-travels in particular. I love throwing a character out of his or her time and comfort zone and see how they cope out of their element.
As per keeping stories fresh, I think I'm succeeding. This year for instance, my stories include a vampire on a mission to save her world, Kacey who's being threatened by a crazy ghost, Colleen who gets whisked back in time to the 1970's and gets a second chance to get things right, a cougar story (older woman, younger man), a story that features military issues (I'm ex-Air Force), a genie story (this one's on submission), and one that involves the inner workings or a reality show. Ideas are everywhere. There's another dysfunctional ghost in the reality show story.
AlwaysABridesmaid_w2864_300[1]Speaking of how prolific you are, you also have another new release out titled Always a Bridesmaid. Can you tell us a little more about it? Certainly. AAB as I call it for short, is a contemporary category type romance. Breanna is summoned home to be her sister's maid of honor. Unfortunately, as much as she misses her sister and father, home holds too many painful memories thus she's been avoiding town for the past eight years, or rather, she's been avoiding her ex-fiancé Troy Youngwolf. He broke her heart when he eloped with her best friend and had a child with her. But Troy is now a widower, single father, and the town's sheriff instead of the town's bad boy. As her sister's wedding guests and parties cause trouble in town, Troy keeps showing up to keep peace in the town much to Bree's dismay.
Always A Bridesmaid is available here.  
I love asking authors what they're reading and if they have any new books or authors they would recommend. Any you want to share with us? This year's Christmas present from my hubby, a Cooler e-book reader is filled with books. Also my dresser has a large stack of dead tree books. What I can see from here are books by: Tawny Weber, Cathy McDavid, Trenae Sumter, Holly Jacobs and Merline Lovelace. At least one of the books on my Cooler reader is also by Merline Lovelace. I'm in the middle of Holly's book entitled "Unexpected Gifts".
Obviously, I enjoy reading Merline's books. I also very much enjoy books by Sheryl Woods, Holly Jacobs, Brynn Paulin, Stephen King, and Stephen White.
Where can our readers find you next? I was recently interviewed at Bookworm Nation and Molly Daniel's blog.
Next week starting on March 29th, I'll be guest blogging all week at and I’ll be the featured guest blogger at Long and Short Reviews.
June 2010 I'll be at Lori Foster's Readers & Writers Event in Cincinnati.
Lastly, would you give our readers a little sneak peak excerpt from Crazy in Love? Absolutely! I hope you enjoy it.
Excerpt From: Crazy in Love
A mixture of awe, disbelief, enlightenment, and grief washing over her, Kacey Carlisle poured over her great-great-grandmother’s pension claim records. The ancient handwriting was almost illegible in places yet it was clear—her grandfather, August, hadn’t left his wife and family as the descendants had believed all these years. Her grandmother, Emma, had kicked him out.
Emma had sworn under deposition she’d feared for her life after August had returned home from the Civil War, physically and mentally ill. Other acquaintances had also testified under oath that
August had suffered from crazy spells, that he’d thought spirits were chasing him. Others claimed August believed Emma to have been unfaithful. For sure, he’d been a tortured soul.
Kacey’s head spun so she took another sip of her soda as she tried to make sense of her readings. Clearly, there were two sides. Still, she sympathized with Emma. Her own husband, Heath, while not insane or abusive, had been ignoring her for a long time and so her thoughts had turned more and more to divorce. It broke her heart, but she could no longer deny it. Heath had fallen out of love with her. If she paraded naked before him, he’d only tell her to quit acting silly and stop blocking the TV.
Oh, yeah. She empathized with her ancestor. Men could be real shits. Who needed them?
Her heart cracked a little more. Who was she fooling? She still loved her husband, desperately, madly. Insanely. At least, they didn’t have kids who would get hurt.
Miffed at herself, she chewed her lower lip. So it would seem she was insane, too. Who would hang on when the situation was so hopeless?
Only a crazy person. Maybe she’d inherited Grandpa August’s crazy streak.
”It’s late. Come to bed,” Heath muttered on a growl. Barefoot, he padded through the hall and scowled at her. He scrubbed the heel of his hand over the beginnings of new stubble on his chin. “I’ll lose my job if you keep me awake all night. I won’t be able to function at work tomorrow.”
Thank you for having me over, Sabrina. I really enjoyed chatting with you. Ashley
You can find out more about Ashley and follow her at the following sites:
Tell us, have you ever been visited by a ghost? If not, who would you want visiting you from the beyond, or would you rather the ghosts leave you alone? Let us know and you could win a copy of Crazy in Love, compliments of Ashley!
Sorry for the late post! Work has been killer and I didn’t get a chance to post this earlier. Here are just a few of this week’s new releases.

Go forth and check them out! Happy Reading!

Rebels and Lovers

The Chief: A Highland Guard Novel (Highland Guard Novels)

No Chance

The Sheen on the Silk: A Novel

Second Chance

Also - check out the newest releases from Samhain Publishing here.

The Men of Urban Fantasy – Hello…She Means the Authors You Filthy Minded Ladies! LOL

Men of Urban Fantasy Awesome book blogger Book Chick City is hosting a themed week for “Men of Urban Fantasy” and it’s pretty awesome.

As she mentions on her blog, the genre has been established and pretty much driven by female writers, so she wants to share some the awesome male Urban Fantasy authors out there who are writing great stuff.

Head over to Book Chick City and enjoy her “The Men of Urban Fantasy Week.”

Today’s feature is a review of Blood Vice by Keith Melton. There will also be guest posts, giveaways and more! Book Chick City knows how to do a themed week right!

Monday Morning Cuteness!

I hope your Monday is off to a great start! I’ve got loads of cool updates for you in the next few days, plus some new reviews I’ll finally post. :)

Did anyone read a really great book this weekend?

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Help a Cheeky Girl Out!

The DABWAHA Tournamnet kicked off this morning and this Cheeky Girl needs your help! You don't need to be playing a bracket to vote, so go join the fun and vote for your favs!

Most of my picks are kicking ass, but two of my books - two that I had staying in the tourney for a few rounds, are lagging. Help me help them make a miraculous comeback!

My two picks who need your help the most are:

Start Me Up by Victoria Dahl - A kick ass book if ever there was one. Don't get me wrong, I liked Smooth Talking Stranger by Kleypas but I adored Start Me Up. Vote for Cheeky V!

The Groom Came Back by Abby Gaines. A Great book that needs to come from behind. (no...get your dirty mind out of the gutter. I mean it needs to win!)

Here are my first Round 1 Set 1 of 4 Picks:

Magnate's Make Believe Mistress
Home For The Holidays
The Groom Came Back
Start Me Up
Branded by Fire
Angel's Blood
Instant Attraction

And it's on like Donkey Kong!

It's that time...DABWAHA is here!

What the hell is DABWAHA? It's just an insanely fun and awesome round of March Madness Romance Style! Put on my the ladies at Smart Bitches Trashy Books and Dear Author, you can bet your ass it's full of awesome.

Here's the details directly from the website:
"For newcomers, the DA BWAHA is a tournament of books where we put up a field of 64 books and you vote until there is one book, one champion. The contest is twofold. First, you must fill out a bracket identifying which book will win each round. Then you vote."

For even more info, and to take a look at the kick-ass prizes (iPAD anyone?) head over to the website at Just hurry becuase your bracket needs to be turned in tomorrow before 8pm!

Book Blogger Pre-Conference Panel: All About Covers

Are Covers Important?

Come hear what industry professionals think. This is a FREE Panel from the Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference. The Conference is March 19-20 wth a Special Authors Day Sunday March 21st. Find out more about the conference at

Book covers pre-conference panel tonight 8:30pm EST

Authors and readers welcome.

Blogger - Book Junkie - Brande

Cover Artist - Kendra - Creations by Kendra

Publisher - Renee Russo - Lyrical Press

Book Review: Getting Lucky by Carolyn Brown – 5 Hearts


Book Review: Getting Lucky by Carolyn Brown
Published by: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Released: January 2010
5 Heart Review
Getting Lucky Amazon Link


That’s the main thing you should know about my thoughts on Getting Lucky by Carolyn Brown. You should also know that cowboy romances are some of my least favorite and somehow not only did I enjoy this one, I can say this was by far one of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

Here’s the book description:

One Stubborn Cowboy Who’s More Than Willing To Cross Horns

When single dad Griffin Luckadeau thinks his new neighbor is scheming to steal his ranch out from under him to benefit her own daughter, sparks really being to fly…

One Hotheaded Schoolteacher Who Doesn’t Take Guff From Anybody

Julie Donovan moves to town, determined to leave her troubles behind. As soon as she meets the absolutely infuriating, oh-so-sexy cowboy next door, things quickly go from bad to worse…

Until these two Texas hotheads admit that it’s fate that brought them together, running from the inevitable is only going to bring them a double dose of miserable…

Everything about this book stood out for me. The writing is first rate – it’s smooth and enticing and makes you want to read every word. Since I’ve been known to scan over a few “boring” paragraphs in books before, that’s a big statement for me.

There is so much to this story and it never seems to overwhelm. I love how Carolyn added to the story with side plots and characters instead of taking away from Griffin and Julie.

It’s been a long time since anything close to a sweet romance did it for me. Lately, they’ve all made me want to scream that no one is that naive or goody-goody all the time. That’s why this book rocks. It has the timeline of a sweet romance, a way more believable timeframe where the hero and heroine really fall in love, but with the awesome hotness still sizzling between them. It’s a hybrid I hope I see more of!

I loved how seriously Carolyn’s characters seemed to take falling in love with each other, and how they considered what it meant for their kids and families. This story rang true with every page I read. Amazing that after reading so many Paranormals and Urban Fantasies (I love both don’t get me wrong), how I could connect so much with a book that read like seeing into my next door neighbor’s diary.

An insanely fantastic book, Carolyn Brown wowed me with this book and her expertise in crafting a perfect romance. Put me down as her newest Super Fan!

Check out Carolyn’s Website here.

Read the fun interview I did with Carolyn here.

Have any of you read Carolyn’s books before? What did you think? If not, what author have you read lately that really seemed to stick out above and beyond the rest?

Thoughts From My Trip…Books Have Amazing Powers!

BarnabasCollins_MarilynRoss So I’m back from my trip, and I wanted to share something fun and interesting that happened while I was visiting my family.

Staying with the Aunt & Uncle, I found myself pondering their bookshelves. It’s always interesting to see what books do people not only keep, but display in main rooms of their homes for all to see.

My Aunt is a die-hard mystery fan and has every Hardcover Stephen King novel. What I found so interesting, were the shelves next to those.

I found two entire shelves full of old paperbacks and at first thought they were Harlequins. They weren’t but equally cool was learning about what they were and hearing my Aunt’s story behind them.

They were slim paperback Gothics written in the 60’s & 70’s by Marilyn Ross and based on the Dark Shadows TV show. Now, I’ve never seen the show but who hasn’t heard of it and isn’t aware of how popular it was.

The fascinating part was that my Aunt had these books because it was the one thing she and her grandmother bonded over. She fondly remembers them sharing their thoughts on the TV show and spending time together watching it. So, these books became something they shared as well. They would pass them back and forth and have discussions on them like a little 2 person book club.

I loved this story and was happy to hear this started a relationship between the two women and books they would share. As my Aunt got older, they began to swap romance novels and Kathleen Woodiwiss was a favorite author. Since I’ve just started reading Kathleen’s books, I was excited to start talking about them.

dc534310fca0748f58d4a010_L Then it struck me, how amazing books are with connecting people across generations. How awesome that I’m reading and loving books that were read and loved by someone who technically could have been my Great-Great Grandmother.

Books have such a power to inspire, entertain and connect people and I was deeply touched to discover this shared connection with my Aunt and hear her stories.

Have you connected with someone of a different generation over the same book? Are there some novels out there so timeless that they easily lend themselves to sharing with both old and young alike?

Cuteness while on the run...

I'm traveling today and will try to post later, but wanted to at least leave you a little something for fun...

funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

So, are you a cat person or a dog person? I bet you wouldn't believe it for all the photos I post of LOL Cats, but I'm a total dog girl so far. I've actually never owned a cat but I'm hoping to convince the Hubby to get one soon.

New Release Tuesday

There are an insane amount of new releases out today, so this list is just a sample of what you can find. Sorry for the simplified Amazon links, but I’m short on time today and tried to figure out the quickest way to get this info to you. The links will take you to see a better cover image and some details about each book.

Head to your nearest store and check out those shelves!

Black Magic Sanction Is Out – RUN To Your Local Bookstore!

BMShc One of my most anticipated books of 2010 happened to release while I was away and I can’t let another day go by without discussing it.

I haven’t read the book yet, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no spoilers, but I’m pretty sure the spectacular Mrs. Harrison will keep us Hallows fans happy with Black Magic Sanction!

Mrs. Harrison is an absolute master at world-building and creating characters you love and love to hate. I “discovered” her in my all-time favorite way – I randomly selected a good looking audio book at the library and the rest is history.

I do highly recommend the Audio Book versions of the Hallows series, but I’ve also read the books. Yes, I am a book geek. To read and listen to the same book means I’m in love. :)

For those not familiar with Mrs. Harrison and her Hallows-verse(Rachel Morgan Series) I have a treat for you. The publisher is offering free eBooks of the first book in the series, Dead Witch Walking.

Here is the FREE Amazon version.

Here is the FREE Barnes & Nobles version.

Here is the FREE Sony Reader version.

I seriously cannot recommend this series enough. It’s the very best Urban Fantasy I’ve ever read with the question of who Rachel will end up with being one of my favorite romance plots ever!

The Geeks of Doom have released Mrs. Harrison’s first ever book trailer. Click here to head over there and check it out!