Monday Morning Cuteness!

Funny Pictures - Cute Kittens
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

I love this photo! Also, I wanted to post an update that my eye procedure went great and my vision is awesome. I'm still having a little haziness looking at lights (including my computer monitor) so I won't be online much the next day or so, but I'm doing well and can't wait to get back to reading!

Happy Reading!

When Word Of Mouth Doesn't Disappoint

Sometimes you hear so much awesomeness about a book that it really never has a chance to live up to the expectations that have been built up about it. Then, there are those books that deserve every single bit of purple prose that they've received.

I've found one of those books and I can't even wait to finish it before coming on here to tell you I LOVE IT!

What's the book? It's actually a book released last year and up for TWO Rita Awards this year - When Harry Met Molly by Kieran Kramer.

Now, for as many people who sang the praises of this book, there were just as many who thought it fun but too unbelievable. For me, it was the fact that it was so over the top that made it so much fun and I'm loving the happy mood this book is putting me in.

I still have about 50-75 pages to go, but I have to say this book does not disappoint. So...FUN. Just can't keep from saying that word over and over. I also can't wait to read the next books in the series which lucky for me are already out!

When The Lights Go Dark...

This weekend I'm doing something completely insane in my mind. I'm having LASIK eye surgery after 20 years in glasses and contacts. It has taken me about 5 years of researching, visiting doctors, talking to friends, etc in order to come to this decision and I have to say that I'm extremely excited about it.

I'm also get REALLY nervous. Like watch crazy grahic videos of surgeries during my lunchbreak nervous. I 1000 times over do not recommend you do this if you are ever having a procedure done. Do NOT look it up on YouTube no matter how much you want to know. :)

But this post isn't about my being nervous of the surgery. It's really about being nervous about the What Ifs. Now, let me start by saying that I'm fully prepared and knowledgeable about what I'm going to do and am going to a great doctor.

BUT, there is always that chance that the worst could happen and I would lose my vision. As someone whose biggest pleasure in life is reading I'm nervous about how this decision might turn out.

What would I do if I could no longer read the words on the written page?
If you have read Cheeky Reads for some time, you might know that I'm a huge lover of AudioBooks. Like HUGE. (Insert Trump voice over here) But what if that was the only way I had to enjoy books? Would it be enough for me or would I curse my decision to have an elective eye procedure for the rest of my life? It's a daunting question for this book lover and once I can't get out of my mind.

One thing is certain. These thoughts have given me a brand new appreciation for those services available for visually imparied people and a desire to learn more about how books are being transformed into audio and other mediums for them.

If something happened to you tomorrow and you could no longer read your favorite books, would you try out audio books? Do you currently listen to audio books? Hell, have you had LASIK and everything turned out fine and you can tell me to quit being silly?!?

Secondary Characters That Draw You In

So I've been listening to the second book in Sabrina Jeffries' School of Heiresses series and even with this second story, I'm still hit with the same feelings I had in the first. I care way more about Charlotte Harris and Michael's story than I do about the one I'm supposed to be reading/listening to!

I find myself waiting impatiently for each chapter to end so that the next chapter can open with another series of correspondance between Charlotte and Michael. THEY are the couple I long for and I eat up each little morsel of thier story as the chapters go by.

It does bother me slighly that the main story hasn't engrossed me enough to hold it's own against this so far very slight budding relationship between Charlotte and Michael. Is that because the stories aren't perfect for me, or is it that the Charlotte/Michael mystery is just so umm...mysterious that I can't help it!

I know that the final book in the series is their story, but I can't skip ahead! I feel like I need to see the exchanges between them through all the books or the final book won't be as compelling for me.

This got me thinking about other books and series that have secondary characters that take over the spotlight. Twitter seemed to agree with me last night that there are so many series where these characters become more of an interest than the main story itself.

What about you...What story have you read where you wanted the romance to focus on a character off to the side instead of the main hero and heroine? Is there a series you follow only for a chance to glimpse some small character's life? Have you read Sabrina Jeffries' series and felt the same way I did?

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

First up, we have the winner of Maureen O. Betita's hot new SciFi novella The Ship's Mistress:


Next, we have the winner of a copy of Bonded by Blood from Laurie London:

Linda Young!

Ladies - I'll be sending you an email soon or you can email me at cheekyreads @ - Congrats and Happy Reading!

Operation Auction 2011 Is In Full Swing!

Some of you might remember when I posted this a few weeks ago:

Fellow Book Blogger Fatin lost her husband this past week to senseless violence. Her blog, RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk are helping to organize an auction to help her and her four daughters. Here is the post from that site with all the current information. I will post any updates I find out about.

From RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk:
Fatin has been an integral part of the romance community for years – she owns and runs this blog, is an administrator of the WriteMinded loop, an author assistant and a tireless advocate for romance novels. She is also a friend to many in this community. On Tuesday, March 8th, she lost her husband in a senseless act of violence, leaving her alone with four children. You can read more about the tragedy here:

Operation Auction is now fully live and bids are being placed left and right on Ebay! There is amazing stuff to be found for both readers and writers and I really do hope you'll take the time to give it a look and see if there is something there for you.

Please remember that this is for a very important cause so go bid! Click here to go to the entire Operation Auction store.

Guest Author Maureen O. Betita On The Hotness That Is SciFi! Comment To Win!

I'd like to welcome my personal friend Author Maureen O. Betita to Cheeky Reads today! You might remember that I've showcased her debut book The Kraken's Mirror and now she has two HOT novellas releasing so I just had to have her back on.

Maureen is a wonderful friend who has done so much for me and I have to say that I totally agree with with her - SciFi HAS always been hot! *Waving my SciFi Geek Flag high!*

SciFi Has Always Been Hot by Maureen O. Betita

Yup, it is my premise that science fiction as always been hot. Yes, it is also a very nerd oriented genre. People think that it’s all Leonard, Sheldon and Howard from The Big Bang Theory. And yes, sometimes it is.

But not always.

Science Fiction is a brainy genre, at its best. It’s technical and full of wonderful ideas and speculation about what could be someday. Arthur C. Clarke wrote about satellites before there were satellites. Asimov came up with the three laws of robotics – an idea that is likely to be part of artificial intelligence as it develops.

Tachyon emissions, anyone? One of my favorite examples of a bit of fiction that is misused. (There is no such thing as tachyon emissions. So, yes, there are idiot examples that somehow end up in the real world.)

There were a few programs on last year about the science of Star Trek. The science of Star Wars…and how much of it was real or how it had pushed scientists to work on innovation based on these bits of science fiction.

So, why not some hot science fiction? Kirk got the babes. Mr. Spock got his fair share. So did McCoy. I’ve taken it a bit further in my two new shorts from Decadent Publishing. Humans on alien worlds, dealing with aliens, dealing with how aliens influence them… Fun stuff.

In The Ship’s Mistress, my main character is Jahari, a woman born on a human colony of Jamba. It is part of a large confederation whose only means of staying in touch with other human colonies is through the auspices of an alien race, the Etwa. The human colonies spent centuries alienated from each other and so developed into separate societies, all reverted to a more primitive society. Technology is remembered, but doesn’t function or exist.

Jahari’s world is patriarchal, viewing woman as next to worthless. Unless they are beautiful. Her little sister is beautiful and in order to save her sister from a life of exploitation, Jahari turns herself over to the alien race in trade for her sister’s safety. Her adventures begin seven years later, when she is plying her trade on a new world. What is her trade? She is a fully trained and extremely valuable Etwan High Slut, a trade she is suited for, enjoys and takes great pride in.

The second novella is The Sister’s Story/ Sari’s Search. Little sister has grown up and wants to know about her past, where she came from, who the girl is she barely remembers. Her search takes her to Jahari’s world but before then, she faces frightening adventures, along with passionate episodes with the two young men helping her.

I was raised with the gods of science fiction holding a place of honor. Of course I grew up and found myself wanting to include it in my writing.

You can find me at

 Buy Link for all of Maureen's Books Here

What about you, do you think SciFi is hot? What's your favorite SciFi book or movie and why? Comment below for a chance to win the ebook of The Ship's Mistress!

Integrating Feedback Into Your Writing With Guest Author Alayna Williams

Integrating Feedback in the Writing Process
by Alayna Williams

Writing for oneself is a completely different animal than writing for other people. When writing for oneself, there's a freedom to explore any idea or format that one likes. There's freedom to make errors. With an audience of one, there's very little pressure to conform to the ideas of others. There are no rules.

Writing for others is different. When developing an idea or manuscript for sale, there's a certain amount of external input needed. Input comes in many forms: from beta readers, critique groups, agents, and editors. External input is invaluable: as a writer, I'm often blind to flaws and blatant errors in my own work. I can read the same sentence over and over and not see a mistake in logic that another will readily see. I think that it's really impossible to produce clean work in a vacuum. At least, that's true for me.

But too much feedback can also be a bad thing. Each reader approaches a manuscript differently, has different tastes and desires. One reader may adore a chapter while the next may hate it. And if I've solicited feedback from many sources, that feedback can sometimes conflict. I feel that I have to address *every* issue raised...even when there is no way to incorporate everyone's opinion. I can sometimes fall into analysis paralysis, and never find my way out of the revision forest. Too many cooks can spoil the broth.

I think that there's a balance between using our internal compasses and soliciting external feedback. To be certain, some feedback is vital and necessary. It produces a more sound work. And some of it - particularly editorial suggestions - are not optional.

But there must be limits. Writers must remember that not every book is for every reader. And creating a work that encompasses all possible feedback is frankly impossible. Overcritting a manuscript can sometimes be harmful...a writer can lose track of the original inspiration. Being in a state of constant revision can result in disjointed, disconnected parts. The flow can get lost. When I read manuscripts for others, I can often tell when plot threads were snipped and moved around over and over, because threads are dangling.

Sometimes, it's helpful for me just to set a manuscript aside for awhile. Let it percolate. Read it some months later with a fresh eye. Sometimes, the project will not see the light of day. I take what I've learned and move on. Sometimes, I'll go forward with the project after time has passed.

And I think that it's also helpful to develop a small network of folks who are able to act as crit partners. People who will be honest, who understand my genre. Folks who aren't afraid to scribble in the margins: "What the hell is this platypus doing here? And when did he learn to play the kazoo?"

I think that's valuable. I gather three or four sets of feedback, with the sources depending upon the project. With three or four recipes, I have a pretty good idea of how to improve my chicken soup. I still feel as if I have control of the project, and that the book isn't being written by committee.

With any artistic endeavor, you can't please everyone. And that's also true for writing groups and critique partners. The trick, I think, is to be able to filter feedback and integrate it into a work without losing track of what you set out to do.

Cheeky Readers - how many of you also write? Do you find yourself having trouble keeping a balance between using input and opinion overload? If you don't write, have you ever sent an author your opinion on thier book or wanted to tell them what you wished they'd done differently?

Check out Alayna's latest release:
Delphic Oracle #2
Pocket Juno Books
Mass Market Paperback, $7.99
ISBN 978-1439182819

"Alayna Williams writes with power and poetry, combining old mythos with complete ass-kickery. You don’t want to miss this series.” -National bestselling author Ann Aguirre

The more you know about the future, the more there may be to fear.

Tara Sheridan is the best criminal profiler around - and the most unconventional. Trained as a forensic psychologist, Tara also specializes in Tarot card reading. But she doesn't need her divination skills to realize that the new assignment from her friend and sometime lover, Agent Harry Li, is a dangerous proposition in every way.

Former Cold War operatives, all linked to a top-secret operation tracking the disposal of nuclear weapons in Russia, are disappearing. There are no bodies, and no clues to their whereabouts. Harry suspects a conspiracy to sell arms to the highest bidder. The cards - and Tara's increasingly ominous dreams - suggest something darker. Even as Tara sorts through her feelings for Harry and her fractured relationships with the mysterious order known as Delphi's Daughters, a killer is growing more ruthless by the day. And a nightmare that began decades ago in Chernobyl will reach a terrifying endgame that not even Tara could have foreseen…

Win a Kindle 3 WiFi Edition From Moira Rogers!

Moira Rogers is holding an awesome contest for readers to win a brand new Kindle WiFi Edition to celebrate the release of Wilder's Mate, the first story in their new Bloodhounds series. Check out the story details here and just comment to enter to win the Kindle! (See complete details below)

Wilder Harding is a bloodhound, created by the Guild to hunt down and kill vampires on America’s frontier. His enhanced abilities come with a high price: on the full moon, he becomes capable of savagery beyond telling, while the new moon brings a sexual hunger that borders on madness.

Rescuing a weapons inventor from undead kidnappers is just another assignment, though one with an added complication–keeping his hands off the man’s pretty young apprentice, who insists on tagging along.

At odds with polite society, Satira’s only constant has been the aging weapons inventor who treats her like a daughter. She isn’t going to trust Wilder with Nathaniel’s life, not when the Guild might decide the old man isn’t worth saving. Besides, if there’s one thing she’s learned, it’s that brains are more important than brawn.

As the search stretches far longer than Wilder planned, he finds himself fighting against time. If Satira is still at his side when the new moon comes, nothing will stop him from claiming her. Worse, she seems all too willing. If their passion unlocks the beast inside, no one will be safe. Not even the man they’re fighting to save.

Warning: This book contains a crude, gun-slinging, vampire-hunting hero who howls at the full moon and a smart, stubborn heroine who invents mad-scientist weapons. Also included: wild frontier adventures, brothels, danger, betrayal and a good dose of wicked loving in an alternate Wild West.
Wilder’s Mate Kindle Contest
Want to win a brand new Wi-Fi Kindle 3? All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and you can have your chance! For more chances to win, visit the main contest page. Every participating blog you visit gives you another chance to win!
This post is part of Moira Rogers’ Wild Web Adventure Promo. For full rules and disclaimers, or to hold your own kindle contest, visit the contest post. Winners will be chosen during the first week of April.

It Is On People! DABWAHA Voting is now open!

Every year Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books host the DABWAHA - the most awesome Romancelandia contest ever. Seriously, I look forward to this event every year, even if I do usually go down in flames. :)

This year is looking to be no different as a book I have going in a few rounds is dying a early death. So...

I'm totally pandering for your votes! I need you to help me keep The Summer of You by Kate Noble in this thing.

Now, if you help me do that I will do a giveaway here on Cheeky Reads. That's right, if The Summer of You makes it to round two then I'll host a giveaway here tomorrow!

Check out all the details about the DABWAH here.


A Romancelandia Tragedy: How You Can Help

Fellow Book Blogger Fatin lost her husband this past week to senseless violence. Her blog, RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk are helping to organize an auction to help her and her four daughters. Here is the post from that site with all the current information. I will post any updates I find out about.

From RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk:

Fatin has been an integral part of the romance community for years – she owns and runs this blog, is an administrator of the WriteMinded loop, an author assistant and a tireless advocate for romance novels. She is also a friend to many in this community. On Tuesday, March 8th, she lost her husband in a senseless act of violence, leaving her alone with four children. You can read more about the tragedy here:

The romance community would like to rally around her. Therefore, we will be holding auctions on ebay the last week of March. More information on exact days and donations will follow.

If you are an editor / agent / author and would like to donate something for the auction – such as a critique, mentoring, lunches at RT or RWA, swag, signed books, etc., please contact me ( or Sharon ( with your donation. Your help is greatly appreciated! Larissa Ione asked readers recently what type of items they’d most like to bid on, so you might find this list helpful:

Welcome Author Lila Munroe to Cheeky Reads & Giveaway!

Today I'm excited to welcome guest author Lila Munro to Cheeky Reads! First, let's take a look at the blurb for Lila's book Identity Crisis:
Someone once said you never truly know a person,

Chad Dearborn was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was given everything a person could want and more, country clubs were his daycares and Paris and London his playgrounds. Heir to Dearborn Inc., Chad stands to inherit a veritable fortune. But the problem is his parents want to gift him the perfect wife to go with it. A woman in the form of a molded, plastic, jet set dolly. Certainly not Chad’s idea of an ideal mate. He wants a woman that can hold her own, in and out of the bedroom. Who knew he’d find her in one of Portland’s hottest leather clubs? Chad was fascinated by what went on there, but something just wouldn’t let him cross that line.

until you sleep with them.

Country clubs? Europe? The closest Tori Myers ever came to those things were the covers of magazines. With an absent father, a less than attentive mother and nowhere to go, Tori finds herself drawn to an alternative lifestyle at the tender age of eighteen. Vertigo is a treasure chest of Dom’s willing to give her anything she wants. But when Chad Dearborn walks through the door, Tori figures out sometimes what your heart wants isn’t necessarily what your body is willing to compromise to have.

Or do you?

The thing that just wouldn’t let Chad cross the line with his sexuality has come home to roost. And as a result, he's faced with a huge decision. Accept who he is and what he wants. Or continue to fight the biggest identity crisis of his life.

Tell us a little about what inspired you to write this story and what your favorite part about writing it was?

I first became interested in BDSM after reading Broken Together by BethAnn Buehler. Something that not everyone knows about me is that I have a BS in Sociology, so sub-cultures and how they work absolutely fascinate me. The more I read, the more I had to be able wrap my head around how these relationships worked and that lead to a whole lot of research. Once the light bulb went off and I could wrap my head around the idea of a Dom/sub relationship the next logical step for me was to incorporate it in my writing. My favorite part of writing this story was the freedom it allowed me to step outside my “box” and comfort zone. I really allowed me to grow as a writer and explore a sub-genre I might not otherwise have if not for that first spark of interest.

Characters really make a story for me. What 3 words best describe your hero? What about your heroine?

Well it happens that in this story not only are the elements of BDSM present I also worked in a ménage relationship between two Doms, Chad and Ren, and their sub, Tori.

Chad is—faithful, confused, and loving to a fault

Ren is—strong, confident, and capable

Tori is—giving, frustrated, and intelligent

Was there a favorite scene for you to write? Would you give a little tease of it...:)
My favorite scene to write was when it became apparent that Ren was indeed the alpha Dom in this relationship. It was exciting to write because mixed emotions were involved for all three people. Tori was grateful to finally be understood, Ren was relieved that she accepted him, and poor Chad is just terrified.

“Why are you still dressed, Ren?” Tori asked in a husky voice, turning her head toward him once again. “Don’t you want to claim your prize?”

Chad eased off her, his erection bobbing as he crawled to the edge of the bed. He grabbed Tori’s collar and after pulling Tori to sitting, he draped the red creation around her throat and fastened it. Ren approached with a possessive smile on his face, and held up one hand. Between his forefinger and thumb he held an identical lock to the one already on Tori’s collar. Ren climbed on the bed and on his knees got behind her. He reached around her slender neck and ran his lock through the clasp and fastened it, leaving it to hang beside Chad’s. Tori was now fully theirs. “Where…” Tori started as Chad backed away.

“Shhh…” Chad told her, putting a finger to her lips. “You two need to get to know each other. I’m gonna watch.”

Tori’s skin tingled at the thought of Chad wanting to see another man brand her. A heated flush ran over her as Tori began to fully realize what she’d agreed to. She now belonged to two Doms. She was theirs for the taking, but also for the giving. Chad had just torn the door to their relationship off the hinges and given Tori more than she'd ever dreamed of.

“You’ll never know how happy it makes me that you said yes, pet,” Ren murmured into her hair, running his hands over her shoulders. “God, you’re beautiful.”

A shudder flew across Tori as Ren took her earlobe in his mouth and bit, then sucked, easing away the sharp pain.

“I can be very demanding, Tori. Maybe more than you’re used to,” he told her taking her nipples between his thumbs and fingers, pinching and twisting.

Tori sucked in her breath. He was going to play rough, probably rougher than Chad ever had, but maybe by watching Chad would learn. Ren had obviously already tutored him well in the fine art of whips.

“What’s your safe word, angel?” Ren asked, getting off the bed and taking her with him as he tore off his boxers, his cock springing free. “You might need it.”

“Couture,” Tori answered.

“Couture.” Ren reached out and pinched her nipples again. “On your knees.”

Tori immediately dropped, put her hands on her thighs palm side up and lowered her head. Yes, this would definitely be a learning experience for Chad. He’d never let anyone dominate her in ways even close to what she knew was coming. Tori could feel the power and strength flying off Ren in waves, and as he ran one hand through her hair, wrapped it tightly around his fist and pulled her head up quickly, she knew Ren wasn’t joking. She might very well use her safe word. It was something she hadn’t done in years.

What else do you have coming up and where can readers find you next?

I have several irons in the fire right now. The Force Recon writing team is back together and we’re working on the second in that series, Force Recon Somalia. It’s due out this summer through Rebel Ink Press. Also through Rebel, I’ll be putting out the second book in the Delaney brother’s series, A Slower Lower Life, and there’s more Identity issues to resolve. The second Identity book will be entitled True Identity and will release this summer as well. It revolves around Master Steph and his graduate student sub, Jill. For more information about any and all my works readers can find me at or .

Have you read any great books lately?

I’ve read several good books lately. I finished Maya Banks Colter’s series and loved them and I just finished the fourth installment of Cherise Sinclair’s Shadowlands series, I can’t wait to download the fifth book, Make Me, Sir. Currently I’m reading an Andrew Grey novel, Accompanied by a Waltz. It’s not often I find a m/m author that holds my attention but Andrew has managed to do that very thing.

Thanks Lila!

Lila Munro is a writer of contemporary romance currently residing on the coast of North Carolina. She is a military wife and takes much of her inspiration for her heroes from the marines she’s lived around for the past fourteen years. Coining the term realmantica, she strives to produce quality romance in a realistic setting. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading everything she can get her hands on, trips to the museum and aquarium, taking field research trips, and soaking up the sun on the nearby beaches. Her previous works include The Executive Officer’s Wife, Bound By Trust, and Destiny’s Fire. Anthology work includes a piece in All I Want for Christmas is Redemption. She loves to hear from her readers and can be contacted via her website , her joint effort website  or through Facebook at  .

You can purchase Identity Crisis through the following links:

Enter to win your own copy of Identity Crisis by telling us what great book you've read lately or if you've ever read a m/m or BSDM romance before.

What I Want: The Imperfect Looking Historial Hero

I was just considering this the other day and thought I would ask readers how they feel about it...What do you think of every historical hero being thought of by all of society as handsome, swoon-worthy, dashing, etc?

Who doens't love a good looking hero right? I mean we want someone to swoon over. But...

I can't help but find myself love those stories and heroes who aren't conventially handsome. Someone the heroine loves for more than just his good looks and reformed rake status.

Not only do I enjoy heroes who the heroine loves in spite of everyone else not thinking them beautiful, I love the scarred hero. Give me a man with a deep scar across his cheek that all other women but the heroine can't bring themselves to look at and I'll fall in love.

I guess this means I'm a total sucker for the Beauty and the Beast trope. Yep. I'll totally own it. I don't find myself needing this as much in contemporaries or paranormals. There's something about an imperfect man in a historical that draws me in. It's not just about a scarred hero, but one who doesn't have the ladies falling at his feet.

As much as I enjoy a dashing Duke or reformed rake, I love the slightly less handsome or eccentric looking hero all the more. More heroes with spectacles, red hair, a dark complextion, scars, etc. Give me something off the beaten path for a historical hero. Give me the imperfect hero!

What about you? Do you long for a these types of heroes too? Are you a fan of the Beauty and the Beast storyline? If so, what was your favorite book or hero? Authors - share your heroes with us too! I would love to find some new books to add to my list!

Cheeky Gift by Guest Author Kate Early & Comment to Win Full Load!

Cheeky Gifts by Kate Early

Hello Readers,

Kate Early here and so excited to be on Cheeky Reads. I am one for the authors from the Ravenous Romance anthology "Werewolves in Love" cause hey - werewolves need love too! Oh and they like presents just like the rest of us.

My two characters exchange gifts in the book and they are a bit tongue and cheek. Which got me to thinking about what I have been giving the ones I love. Are the presents fun enough?

My family has been known to do some fun gifts. I got the Wallace and Gromitt DVDs for Christmas and a group of the cheeses that they mention in the animated shorts. My BFF's College graduation, I got him a whole bunch of retirement themed gifts - since he was retiring from his school career. But maybe I have run out of juice?

I managed to have my two heros give each other some pretty funny surprises, but now I am out of ideas for my real live sweetheart. He hates chocolate, but likes Charleston Chews - so I got a bunch and used hot water to melt the outside off. I have done rose petals on the bed - as a florist word of advice here - lay them on an outer blanket then strip that off. Roses have a ton of chemicals on them. He got a rash. So he doesn't like sweets, gets excited by receiving toys - toy helicopters - video games - wii. But that is not really fun in a cheeky sense. So anyone got any ideas?

You can check an excerpt from Enforced Will from the Werewolves in Love Anthology below and comment with a suggestion for a cheeky gift to enter to win my M/M Romance - Full Load

Thanks for having me!

Kate Early

From Enforced Will by Kate Early

February 13, 2009
Subject: V-Day

I sent you something to brighten up your cabin with. Should be delivered tomorrow.

- Will

Re: V-Day

I look forward to it. Since you go through more groceries then a sumo wrestler, I sent you a little something too. Enjoy.


* * * *

February 14, 2009
Vincent’s Cabin, 2:27 p.m.

“Hang on a sec.” Vin opened the door, coming eye to eye with dozens of flowers. Roses, lilacs, lilies, hyacinths, and just about every growing thing that set off his allergies.

Behind the massive arrangement was a petite woman with a clipboard under one arm. “I have a delivery for Mr. Vincent Mancuso from William Brand.”

He didn’t want to send the woman running, but the words rolled out on a growl anyway. “That would be me.”

"Sign here.” Her smile was genuine and warm. “I just love when men send each other flowers. Stereotypes are wrong. Everyone likes flowers.” The door shut firmly in her face.

William’s Apartment, 3:42 p.m.

“Delivery for you at the door, Will.” His ears perked up. What would Vin send him? When he hit the living room, he had to reassess. This couldn’t be Vin. Who would send him ten somethings?

Spy Boy looked up from the candy he was already enjoying out of one of the baskets. “Someone knows you like mangoes. Every one of these is either mango flavored food, mangoes, or all that fruit body scented shit. Figured you wouldn’t mind if I grabbed some.” He indicated the open bag in his lap.

“Sir, can you sign for all this? Your secret admirer went all out. This is the largest delivery I have ever done all to the same person.”

“Ooooh! Will has a secret admirer.” The singsong tone grated on the nerves.

“Yep, one who knows I am allergic to mangoes.” Vin was evil.

If you want to meet Will and Vin check out Enforced Will in Werewolves in Love. - Read an Excerpt from Enforced Will - HERE

Werewolves in Love

by Kate Early, Azura Ice, and Trinity Blacio
In this collection, you'll find three sizzling novellas of supernatural love and romance.
In Heart of a Were by Azura Ice, you'll find out what happens when a were mated for life is widowed...

Best-selling ménage author Trinity Blacio shows us what happens when Cupid gets hit by his own arrow...

and Kate Early's M/M BDSM werewolf lovin' in Enforced Will should leave you panting for more.
Buy Werewolves in Love at
Werewolves in Love at Barnes and Noble
Werewolves in Love at ARe

Cupid's Post Valentine's Day Boredom by Author Chelsy Day & Contest

Cupid's Post Valentine's Boredom by Chelsy Day

What can I say? It happens. The big build up to the Holiday, working non-stop, every Cupid fluffing their feathers and batting their wings to get the most matches for that heart filled romantic V-Day. For a week, even two afterward the relief and exhaustion just call for a vay-cay, but now there is a lull. I really wonder if Santa and the Easter Bunny feel the same way.

But I can not stop. Nope. Because I am one of the 5 Cupids who took part in the 2011 Challenge to match the "Most Unlikely Couple". And that contest is still going! Voting for the public to pick our winner runs till March 25th - I need to be the most productive Cupid around for another twenty-five-days! BUT if you want to help me and be entered to WIN A KINDLE you can go to the eTreasures Blog to vote.

Oh and let me introduce myself. I am Cupid HH of The Hollywood Hook Up - totally the most deserving of the Cupids. :)

I want to thank the Cheeky Lady for having me and inviting me to share the contest - and beg for votes a bit.


(All Stories are Available Solo too)
Sometimes true love needs help. Five Cupids take on a challenge this Valentine's season: To match the most unlikely couple they can find.

Love Transposed by Pepper O'Neal and Chelsy Day

One arrow straight through two chests was all it took for carpenter/painter Dan, and trust fund baby Jane to go from making each other crazy, to being crazy about each other. The match that won Cupid X the Challenge in 1981...

Love Potion 2-14 by Pepper O'Neal

White witch Kole Trillion has a successful business, customers who swear by her potions and spells. Unfortunately, she also has the bad luck to fall in love with a man who doesn't believe in magic, Police Detective Gage Corwin.

The Bachelor by Heather Hiestand

Abbie Harper didn’t mean to buy the date, but one look at Jake Cordalys and she’s ready for red-hot romance. Jake is not looking for something complicated, but when Cupid is involved, all plans go out the window and romance flies in.

The Boss Wore Red by Delle Jacobs and SamMarie Ashe

For city fashionista Alexandria Bergstrom, there's nothing worse than learning her crazy parents' past, unless it's having to re-live it herself on the ranch she's inherited. It's the worst possible time for her heart to tumble, especially for hunky, city-hating ranch manager Clint Riordan. But does her heart listen? That's what Cupids are for...

The Wrong Target by Sherry Gloag

Headmistress, Tina Blackberry and Ryan Thomas can't control events after Ryan's daughter steals his coveted golden arrow and takes it to school, But put Cupid on the job and nothing can go wrong, or can it?

The Hollywood Hookup by Chelsy Day

Actor Casey Jones and Stunt Woman Sandra Benson have a history. Can Cupid get them past the animosity and prove that true love in Hollywood is NOT impossible?



Welcome Author Laurie London & Enter to Win Bonded By Blood!

Today I'm pleased to welcome Author Laurie London to Cheeky Reads. Laurie was nice enough to answer a few questions for readers and give us a look into her new Paranormal Romance Bonded by Blood!

First, here's the blurb for Bonded by Blood build your appetite:
Deep within the forests of the Pacific Northwest, two vampire coalitions battle for supremacy—Guardian enforcers who safeguard humanity and Darkbloods, rogues who kill like their ancient ancestors.

Movie location scout Mackenzie Foster-Shaw has always known that she’s cursed to die young. No one can protect her from the evil that has stalked her family for generations—vampires who crave her rare blood type. Until one afternoon in a wooded cemetery, she encounters an impossibly sexy stranger, a man she must trust with her life.

For Dominic, a man haunted by loss, Mackenzie satisfies a primal hunger that torments him—and the bond they share goes beyond heat, beyond love. She alone can supply the strength he needs to claim his revenge. But in doing so, he could destroy her…

Would you give readers a glimpse into the world you created? Tell us a little about what makes it special and how it came to you.

The Sweetblood world follows a team of Seattle-based vampire warriors, Guardian enforcers who safeguard humanity against Darkbloods, a rogue vampire faction that kills humans and sells their blood on the vampire black market. The rarest blood type, called Sweet, commands the highest street price and is highly addictive to vampires.

Bonded By Blood is the story of Dominic Serrano, head of the Seattle field team, and Mackenzie Foster-Shaw, a sweetblood human who works as a movie location scout, which takes her into some pretty unusual places.

The seed for the story started when my sister and I saw Fright Night eight times in a row as teenagers. I had a mad crush on Chris Sarandon’s vampire character—he was dark, mysterious and seductive—but I always wished he hadn’t turned into such a monster.

Dom is bad too...but in all the right ways.

Characters really make a story for me. What 3 words best describe your hero? What about your heroine?

I’m the same way with characters. If I love them (their faults and baggage too), everything they do is interesting to me. Three words? Okay, this is hard.

Dom: mysterious, burdened, driven

Mackenzie: pragmatic, spunky, devoted

What was your favorite part of writing this book and creating this world?

It’s difficult to single out just one part because I enjoyed the whole process. I set out to write the kind of story I enjoy reading with characters and conflicts that were compelling to me.

You have the second book in the series coming out this summer and more books planned after that. What can we look forward to in the next book?

Embraced By Blood comes out in July and is the story of Lily and Alfonso. Lily works with Dom as a highly skilled tracker with the Agency. Alfonso is Dom’s estranged brother who worked undercover for years in the Darkblood Alliance. He’s haunted and tormented by some awful things he did in his past. Talk about baggage. His growth through the story is pretty intense—I can’t wait for readers to meet him.

Also, I’m so thrilled that books 3 and 4 will be coming out next year and an e-novella, Hidden By Blood, will be coming out in June—just a few months from now.

Have you read any great books lately?

I loved The Bodyguard, an anthology with short stories by Cherry Adair, Gena Showalter and Lorie O’Clare.

A recent novel that blew me away was The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. The prose was achingly beautiful, and the story and characters were fascinating.

Thanks so much for having me on today!!!

Thanks Laurie!
Check out Laurie's Website here to read an excerpt of Bonded by Blood.

Enter to win an autographed copy of Bonded by Blood by telling us what 3 words would describe your ideal hero or heroine! The contest will run until noon on Friday, March 4th and is open to US and CAN residents only. The winner will be announced Friday afternoon.