I've Been MIA...At RWA!

So the craziness that is The Romance Writers of America National Conference snuck up on me fast and I didn't get a chance to pre-write some posts for while I was gone. So sorry, but being a stand-alone blogger can get overwhelming!

This was my very first RWA Conference and I had no idea what to expect or how open people would be to my being there as a blogger. I shouldn't have worried one bit - it was a blast from start to finish and I'm still recovering.

The best part of the event was meeting all the wonderful authors, editors and agents who love the romance industry and it was amazing to see the support and appreciation shared between all the attendees. For instance, I was waiting in line to get a book authorgraphed by none other than Lisa Kleypas when I realized that the lovely woman assisting her looked very familiar. This woman was unpackign books, handing them to Lisa to sign and also counting those last of us in line to make sure there were enough books for everyone. It came to me all of a sudden - this was author Christina Dodd! I had thought this was a publicist or editorial assistant helping Lisa out, but instead I learned that Christina and Lisa are very good friends and obviously very supportive of each other.

Saying that to Christina on twitter, she says that she just wanted Lisa to hurry up so they could go to lunch but I was there and thought it was obvious she was having fun helping Lisa out. :)

So if you know me, then you know I would totally dork out on a few fav authors. I did not disappoint! Upon seeing Victoria Dahl, I suddenly had no control over my mouth. I just kept talking and talking and talking. I have no idea what I even said. I do know it couldn't have been anything intelligent! Poor Victoria!

I also totally lost it - but this time at least my craziness was coherant - on meeting Vicki Lewis Thompson. She's an all-time favorite of mine and I just had to tell her so. At least she seemed very excited and happy to meet a reader who loves her books - she said I made her day. I hope so!

I can't talk about RWA and not mention all the other awesome bloggers I met. Wendy the Super Librarian rocks the house. Seriously. We met at a dinner put on for bloggers by Carina Press - more on that later in a special post - and I just wanted to talk to her about books for hours. If you aren't familiar with her blog (which I'm sure you totally are, but just in case) go check it out here.

Some of the other fantastic book bloggers I meat were Aztec Lady (such a lovely woman!) the awesome ladies from All About Romance, KristieJ from Ramblings on Romance, PJ from The Romance Dish. There were so many others, but it would be impossible to list them all!

I'll have more to say about my time at RWA in the coming days, including news on upcoming books that caught my eye, more about Carina Press and all they have in store for readers and more details on what's happening with your favorite authors.

So readers, have you ever made a fool of yourself in front of one of your favorite writers? Or did you manage to keep your cool? We want to hear about your own author sightings!

Happy Reading!

Monday Morning Cuteness!

funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

New Release Tuesday!

Welcome to New Release Tuesday - Mega Edition! There are so many exciting and amazing sounding books out today that I couldn't even try to list them all here. So, I decided to narrow the list down to those releases that caught my attention. It's a good start of today's releases, but I highly suggest you check out your favorite online stores or head to a bookstore to see all the awesome books out today!

Free Online Romance Writing Conference


Not forking out the dough for the RWA Conference this year, with evening wear, suits, high heels and whatever "business casual" means?
Not to worry! Romance Divas is hosting the
Not Going to Conference Conference...
The Conference You Don't Have to Get Out of Bed For!

From July 28-31, come hang out with some terrific, savvy authors -- and you don't even have to brush your teeth (although, seriously, good dental hygiene gets you extra points.)

We'll be hosting panels on:

The Power of Three: A crit group tell-all (Paranormal)

Crystal Jordan

Patti O'Shea

Dayna Hart/Rowan Larke

The Lolitas of STEAMED! Present Writing the Steampunk Romance -more than leather corsets and brass goggles!

Marie-Claude Bourque

Theresa Meyers

Whips, Chains, Slings, Oh My: It Really Isn’t About the Toys (BDSM Erotica)

James Buchanan

Joey Hill

The Great Big YA Panel

Rhonda Stapleton

Shannon Delany

Kiersten White

Carrie Ryan

Linda Gerber

Saundra Mitchell

Lara Zielin

Brenna Yovanoff

Register for free at Romance Divas, then come join us on the forums for the discussions, as well as some terrific prizes:
Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin:
1) erotic e-books, THE SEEKING KISS and TEMPT ME TWICE.
2) a synopsis critique in any sub-genre of erotica/erotic romance.
Jax Cassidy:
1) erotic e-books, DEVIL'S HEART and BRUSH STROKES.
2) book cover design or banner ad
Kristen Painter:
copy of her e-book, ALL FIRED UP
Rhonda Stapleton:
1) STUPID CUPID YA Book trilogy
2) a proposal critique (1st 3 chapters and synopsis) for any genre of book, romance or not
K.B. Alan:
1) The choice of one of her e-books: PERFECT FORMATION, ALPHA TURNED or BOUND BY SUNLIGHT.
2) A $25 Barnes and Noble gift card.
AJ Chase: copies of e-book CAT AND MOUSE
Inez Kelley:
1) e-book package of both MYLA BY MOONLIGHT and SALOME AT SUNRISE
2) The complete Dirty Laundry Series (3 e-novellas) co-written by Ginny Glass aka Wordsugar and Inez Kelley
Kate Pearce:
1) a three chapter ~and~ synopsis critique-any erotic romance, paranormal romance or historical romance.
2) Winners choice, in either print or e-book format (if available), of a set of the Simply series (there are 5) ~or~ a set of the Cowboys (there are 3) ~or~ a copy of KISS OF THE ROSE-readers choice.
R.G. Alexander:
Winners choice of any two e-books from her Samhain or Ellora's Cave back list
Nadia Lee:
Critique of 1st chapter & synopsis-paranormal or contemporary romance
Shelley Munro: Winners choice of any one her backlist books from Ellora's Cave or Cerridwen Press
Ciar Cullen: Winner's choice of any one e-book on her website.
Voirey Linger: A copy of her e-book RISKING ETERNITY
RF Long:
1) a submission package critique (letter, synopsis and 3 chapters)
2) e-books! (details TBA)
Crystal Jordan:
1) 1st chapter and synopsis critique
2) One copy of any e-book off her Samhain backlist (http://samhainpublishing.com/authors/crystal-jordan)
3) One copy of IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT (print or electronic, winner's choice)
Jeannie Lin:
1) a first chapter critique, any genre
2) an official BUTTERFLY SWORDS souvenir charm
Elise Logan: Winner's choice of any e-book from her backlist
Marguerite Labbe
1) A critique of an m/m story
2) Signed copies of her m/m vampire trilogy MY HEART IS WITHIN YOU, HAUNTED BY YOUR SOUL and OUR SACRED BALANCE
Seeley DeBorn:
One jar of home made body or face scrub, customized to the winner's preferences and skin type.
For example: Orange Spice Oatmeal, Coffee-Cocoa, Citrus Salt, Lavender Mint, Honey and Flax
Sela Carsen
: a copy of her e-book CAROLINA WOLF
Hailey Edwards:
1) a copy of her sweet fantasy romance ebook, EVERLONG.
2) two five dollar MBaM gift cards
Charlotte McClain:
Copy of her two e-books, LOVE TO DECLARE and ROCK STAR'S RETREAT
Cynthia Justlin: (Golden Heart Finalist!) Proposal Critique (3 Chapters and synopsis)-any genre other than erotic
Lainey Bancroft:
1) signed copies of her contemporary romance, THE TROUBLE WITH TESSA and her chick lit romance COZUMEL KARMA
2) Proposal critique (3 chapters and a synopsis) any genre except Steampunk
Tina Burns-Publisher-Liquid Silver Books:
1) a critique of 1st 3 chapters & synopsis
2) 3 be-book prizes for 3 different winners! Winners choice of any one e-book download from LSB library.
Winner's choice of one e-book from her backlist-see her website for booklist.
Taneasha: handmade jewelry by our own Taneasha-details to come!
Barbara Sheridan
1) Winners choice of one e-book from her backlist-see her website for booklist.
2) Critique of up to 20 pages of either M/M, or M/F romance or erotic romance in various subgenres (contemporary, historical, paranormal or suspense/mystery)
David Bridger:
A copy of his ebook BEAUTY AND THE BASTARD
Victoria Janssen:
3 print books TBA (whatever she finds at the RWA Conference)
Gemma Halliday:
Signed copy of SCANDAL SHEET
Jennifer Leeland/Jennifer McKenzie:
1) copy of her e-book MARKED FOR PLEASURE (Kindle version available upon request)
2) copy of her e-book MARKED FOR DESIRE (Releasing June 29th) (Kindle version available upon request)
3) copy of her e-books The Command Series (Trilogy)
4)copy of her BDSM e-book series (3 from TWRP and 1 from Samhain)
Emily Ryan-Davis:
1) Critique of novella-length (up to 30k) manuscript; any time period, m/f, menage, f/f (m/m not her area of expertise)
2) signed print copies of her anthology: MATING CALL, DRAGON DANCE and DRAGON BOUND
3) e-book copy of CHANGING THUMBELINA
Sabrina Darby:
1) Signed copy of her erotic historical novel, ON THESE SILKEN SHEETS
2) Critique of first thirty pages of any Regency (erotic or non erotic fine, but m/m outside my area of expertise)
Alina Morgan:
1) copy of her e-book The Twilight Deception
2) copy of her e-book The Shadow Unveiled
Debbie Mumford:
1) Critique of a synopsis
2) Winner's choice of any e-book from her back list.
Kimberly Troutte:
1) copy of her e-book SOUL STEALER
2) copy of her e-book CATCH ME IN CASTILE
Sasha Devlin:
1 pair of hand made writing mitts or gloves-style and color TBD by the winner
Julia Knight
Winner's choice of one copy of any of her books available in e-book format

Audio Book Review: Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas

Audio Book Review: Married by Morning

Written By: Lisa Kleypas
Performed by: Rosalyn Landor
Brilliance Audio Unabridged
9 Hours 52 Minutes
Writing: 5 Heart Review
Audio Performance: 5 Heart Review

He is everything she wants to avoid...

For two years, Catherine Marks has been a paid companion to the Hathaway sisters – a pleasant position, with one caveat. Her charges' older brother, Leo Hathaway, is thoroughly exasperating. Cat can hardly believe that their constant arguing could mask a mutual attraction. But when one quarrel ends in a sudden kiss, Cat is shocked at her powerful response – and even more so when Leo proposes a dangerous liaison.

She is not at all what she seems...

Leo must marry and produce an heir within a year to save his family home. Catherine's respectable demeanor hides a secret that would utterly destroy her. But to Leo, Cat is intriguing and infernally tempting, even to a man resolved never to love again. The danger Cat tried to outrun is about to separate them forever – unless two wary lovers can find a way to banish the shadows and give in to their desires...

I'm a big fan of Kleypas. I mean who isn't? But I've always read her contemporaries and had sort of purposefully ignored her historicals. Why? Because I think I could very well find myself reading her entire backlist of books to the exclusion of many other writers. Since I know Kleypas is a big name in romance and doesn't need a review here for people to know she has a book out, I narrowed my reading of her to comtemps because I feel there aren't enough of us singing the praises of the straight-up contemporary and how great they are.

When I received Married by Morning to review I decided to try out a Kleypas historical – and holy crap, what I have been missing! Married by Morning is now seriously in my all-time top books. One reason? LEO! Kleypas might have officially ruined me for all other romance heros. All that come after might see themselves compared to Leo and found lacking. My PERFECT HERO.

I loved almost every single thing about this book – pure perfection for me! Believe it or not, I loved it even more than I have many of her contemporary titles. The ending was slightly off from what I had expected, but not bad or anything that would have ruined the story at all. In fact, I thought there were many parts of the ending that brought the trust and relationship between Cat and Leo full circle.

Now, with all the Leo talk you might think that the heroine Catherine was only so-so or average. She was not at all. In fact, she was an amazingly relatable character that I found loving easy to do. Her quirky nature and imperfect looks – she wears glasses back when I imagine it was not at all fashionable for a women or man – made me root for her to match wits with Leo again and again.

As for the audio book performer Rosalyn Landor? One word: fantastic! Her changes in voice are slight, but you never question who is speaking as she inhabits each character completely. I loved how easily she was able to get across Leo’s cheeky tone when he’s trying to annoy Cat. Rosalyn’s performance really added to my love of both Leo and Catherine.

If you’ve been on the fence about trying audio books, this is one I can 100% say to try. It’s a great one to hear audio books at their best and with a great story to boot.

Again, I can’t say enough about how much I loved this book and now I’m doomed to reading Kleypas’ entire backlist of historicals. I’ve already gotten Love in the Afternoon that I can’t wait to start!

Happy Reading!

Sharing Some Info on the Book Bloggers & Authors Online Conference

Coming up in August there is going to be a very cool online conference for Book Bloggers and Authors to get together to talk books and book promotion. The conference is only $15 for Bloggers & Authors and you can find out more details and register at: http://bbpcon.blogspot.com/

Here are the details from Terry Kate from Romance in the Backseat:

Authors and Bloggers are both working together online to reach out to readers and spread the word about the books we read and love. We all face challenges with online promotion that can be alleviated by working together. By streamlining the process of co-operative work between Authors and Bloggers we can move forward using social media and online outlets to expose more readers to more books.

*** How this Conference works. The Book Bloggers and Authors Conference is an online event. It will be posted on a private Ning. The panels are live audio using blog talk radio. This allows for the interactive flow of conversation as well as allows for callers to ask questions. While each Panel goes on there is a set chat room allowing attendees to discuss the issue together as they listen. These recorded panels are available to listen to in archive during and after the conference.

We have the tentative schedule for the BBA Online Conference with the announcement of panelists to be added soon. Friday Night and all day Saturday August 6&7 radio panels and live discussions. All Times are EST

Tentative Schedule

6 - 7pm - EST Opening Event

7 - 7:30pm - Fix Your Facebook - Authors and bloggers, Facebook is important. It is an easy location to use for us to learn about each other. It allows you to use links, display info and get together with readers and other industry folk. Get yours set up the right way and get the biggest benefit from having a Facebook account.

7:30 - 8:30pm - The art of the Review - Hear how reviewers approach writing their reviews as well as authors weigh in on what they look for and appreciate.

8 - 9pm - Be a better guest blogger/how to guest blog - Learn what bloggers and readers are looking for. What is important to include when you guest blog. What is the blogger's part and what is the author's/guest's. How to bring more attention to your guest blogs.

9 - 10:30 - Should Authors Blog - A round table discussion on the benefits and downsides of authors having blogs and what other possibilities are open to them.

11am - 11:30 EST- Opening Panel

11:30-12:30 - Finding the Right Blogs  - What makes a blog a good match for what you write? How do you find them? What can you do to work with them, how to get in contact, SEO and web search secrets.

12 - 1pm - Approaching Authors and Publishers - Bloggers, how do you approach authors and publishers? What makes your blog stand out to them. ARCs, Authors, Interviews, the important parts and proceedures.

1:30 - 3pm - Time Management - Promotion - This is a good thing for all of us in life. We are bringing in some pros to talk about time management and the benefits it can have on your promotion.

3:30 - 4:30pm - Live Events and Happenings - Important to bloggers AND authors -We need to reach out as authors and bloggers - so lets talk about how to go about it. Book signings, conferences, libraries, book stores and more. Where to go and how to go about it.

5 - 5:30 pm - Get your books Reviewed - Authors roll in getting reviewed and why that is important. Is it all on your pub? What is the proceedure and what falls to the reviewers. Discussing why it is important to get reviewed.

5:00 - 6:00pm - Bloggers Working Together - Co-operation - Blog hops, memes, networking, and reaching out to fellow bloggers. Panelists - Rebecca - Dirty Sexy Books

6:00 - 7:00pm - Blog Tours Pros and Cons - Are they good for bloggers? Do they benefit authors? Hear from bloggers, authors, and those who organize the tours.

7:00 - 8:00pm - What makes a Great Interview- Authors Weigh in on what they like to be asked and bloggers what makes the returned answers stand out. Panelists - Ilona Andrews http://www.ilona-andrews.com/ - Stacia Kane http://www.staciakane.com

9 - 10:30 - How can bloggers and authors do it better? Wrapping up the ideas covered during the conference and discussing the future of Blogger author relations.

Dark Oracle Winner!

It was so fun hosting author Alayna Williams and her post on Tarot Cards and how they helped her with her new release Dark Oracle. Big thanks again to Alayna!

As selected by random.org, the winner of a copy of Dark Oracle is:

Congrats to Busy Working Mama! Please email me your mailing address at cheekyreads @ gmail.com (no spaces) and I'll have Alayna send you the book. Happy Reading!

Book Review: Grace Under Pressure by Julie Hyzy

Book Review: Grace Under Pressure 
By: Julie Hyzy 
Berkely Prime Crime Mystery 
4 Heart Review 

Everyone wants a piece of millionaire Bennett Marshfield. owner of Marshfield Manor, and letters are coming in daily from those claiming to be poor relations.  The elderly, reclusive heir trusts no one but his aged curator, Abe. But when Abe is killed in a case of mistaken identity, the tide changes...

Although shaken by the murder, Grace Wheaton, whose lifelong dream has been to work at the manor, steps up to the challenge of assuming Abe's job. But now some of the letters arriving for Bennett have taken a nasty turn, demanding millions - or else. When an uninvited stalker shows up at the manor and at Grace's home, she and handsome grounds-keeper Jack Embers must protect their dear old Marshfield. But to do this, they'll have to investigate a botched Ponzi scheme, some torrid Wheaton family secrets - and sour grapes out for revenge...

As much as I love my romances, I do have a soft spot for really good Cozy Mysteries. Now, when the two genres mix it up, I'm all over it. When I found out that Grace Under Pressure wasn't only a Cozy, but that it also contained a little romance, I really couldn't wait to read it.

The opening scene really pulled me in and was a great introduction to our main character Grace Wheaton and Marshfield Manor, the grand estate where she works as a curator. The scene was a perfect set-up for showing Grace's character and also a little slice of info on the estate.

Julie did a wonderful job tying what were seemingly random events together to create a tangled web of a mystery for Grace to solve.  I loved how Julie expertly placed small nuggets of information that would pop up again as major clues and also the red herons she throws in along the way keep you guessing.

While there is just a hint of romance in this book, I found the growing relationship between Grace and Jack to be extremely interesting and I really want to read the next book to see how it develops. There is a hint of mystery surronding Jack and it not only intriques Grace, it does me too!

A well-written twist of a mystery, Grace Under Pressure was a satisfying cozy that already has me ready for the next in the series. Cozy fans will find much to love about this book and will appreciate some of the larger plot points that will come as a complete surprise.

Flirting With Forever by Gwyn Cready Winner!

The winner of Flirting with Forever by Gwyn Cready, as selected by Random.org is...

Comment # 1 - Carrie at In The Hammock Blog!

Congrats Carrie - email me your mailing address at cheekyreads @ gmail.com (no spaces) and I'll get the book out to you asap!

Welcome Guest Alayna Williams - Author of Dark Oracle! Enter to Win!

By Alayna Williams

For DARK ORACLE, I took a different approach to profiling my heroine, Tara. I didn't use any tried-and-true psychological or literary approaches. Instead, I did what Tara would.

I used Tarot cards.

Tara Sheridan swore off criminal profiling after narrowly escaping a serial killer who left her scarred for life. By combining Tarot card divination with her own intuition, find a missing scientist who has unlocked the destructive secrets of dark energy.

The card that came up most often in my random drawings to represent Tara was the Queen of Swords. The Queen of Swords depicts a woman staring pensively into a stormy sky. She’s lifting sword as if it’s quite sharp, and extends her hand as if she’s cut herself with it. The swords, in general, represent intellect. The Queen of swords traditionally represents sadness and mourning or a particularly clever woman. I always associated her with the Snow Queen from fairy tales – cold, isolated, withdrawn. The Queen of Swords became the significator for Tara - an image that focused the rest of my Tarot card readings. Throughout writing DARK ORACLE, whenever I was stuck or needed more information, I'd draw a random card from my Tarot card deck as a story prompt.

I wanted to learn more about the mental, physical, and spiritual challenges facing Tara. So I drew three cards to symbolize the metal, physical, and emotional challenges facing her in the story.

For Tara's mental challenge, I drew the eight of swords. It shows a woman blindfolded and surrounded by sharp swords. The traditional meaning of this card involves imprisonment, crisis and bad news. Tara survived an attack by a serial killer years ago, and the event has left her scarred and in self-imposed exile. Her mental challenge will be to break out of the cycle of the past and see the future.

For Tara's physical challenge, I drew the Tower. The Tower depicts lightning striking a tower and people falling to the ground. The Tower represents the case Tara has been asked to work on, an explosion of a particle accelerator. A scientist who's unlocked the secrets of dark energy has gone missing, and his disappearance could dangerously affect the balance of power in the world.

For Tara's spiritual challenge, I drew the Lovers. It shows a man and woman in an embrace. Tara falls for the federal agent, Harry Li, who's working the missing scientist case. And she falls hard. But she struggles with giving herself over to a relationship, with learning to trust again. When he discovers her unorthodox methods, will Harry be able to trust Tara?

Even Tara can't see that far into the future with her Tarot cards. She'll have to find out by experiencing these challenges, one by one.

Alayna Williams has an MA in sociology-criminology (research interests: fear of crime and victimology) and a BA in criminology. She has worked in and around criminal justice since 1997. Although she does read Tarot cards, she's never used them in criminal profiling or to locate lost scientists. She recently took up astronomy, but for the most part her primary role in studying constellations and dark matter is to follow her amateur astronomer-husband around central Ohio toting the telescope tripod and various lenses. More info is at http://www.alaynawilliams.com/

"Alayna" is also known as Laura Bickle, the author of Embers from Pocket Juno.

What about you - Have you ever tried Tarot Cards? Had your palm read or your future told? Did you read Embers from Alayna's alter ego Laura Bickle? What did you think? (I LOVED IT) Let us know and you'll be entered to win a copy of Dark Oracle from Alayna Williams!

Sorry, contest open to US and Canadian residents only.

Cool Event TONIGHT!

I wanted to share this message I got from Terry at Romance in the Backseat with everyone.

So, signings and live events with authors are pretty cool. Though they can however be hard to get to. So we have technology, why not use it? Tonight is the maiden voyage of the Romance in the Backseat Virtual Events. From here to hope is bigger and better and direct video book signings.

Tonight we are joined by two fabulous authors.

At 9pm EST - Alyxandra Harvey -Author of the Drake Chronicles - Hearts at Stake - Blood Feud

9:30pm EST - Meagan Hatfield - Author of Shadow of the Vampire

They will talk about their new releases, enter the chat room, and take live questions.

The ladies have also generously offered some pretty awesome giveaways - good from now till we announce the winners tonight at 10:30pm EST.

So come check it out and tell us who you might like to hear from.


*** I recomend you get there 15 min early to sign in to the chat room and hear all the special instructions.

I will see you there.

Terry Kate

Book Review: Flirting with Forever by Gwyn Cready & Giveaway!

Book Review: Flirting with Forever
By Gwyn Cready
Pocket Books Romance
4 Heart Review

Art Historian Campbell Stratford is about to make a name for herself with her scandalously sexy tell-all “fictographies” of famous seventeenth-century artists, but she's more intimately familiar with her subjects than her eager readers can imagine. Thanks to a time portal she accidentally discovered, she has caused quite a stir in the Great Beyond. To save their reputations, the Guild protecting dead artists convinces playboy Peter Lely, portraitist to the king, to sabotage Cam's latest project. A few hours posing on Sir Peter's modeling chaise leads to a night of seductive passion – then Cam returns home and discovers his betrayal. But before she can turn her angry pen on her lover, Sir Peter makes a surprise visit to the future and transforms Cam's twenty-first-century life into chaos of classic porportions...

This was my first time reading Gwyn Cready and I really enjoyed her funny voice and interesting characters. She did an especially good job with the hero Peter Lely and I felt like we understood him much more than we did the heroine Cam.

For all of Cam's good points – and there were many – I questioned why she didn't realize her boyfriend was a scumbag or why she allowed her sister to constantly put herself in Cam's way. Somehow those two things didn't mess with the rest of Cam's personality and I wanted to scream at her about them. Cam still managed to win me over and again, had so many good points that those two “off” items didn't bother me that much.

As far fetched as this book sounds, it's such a fun ride that you will suspend your disbelief without any worries as to how the time travel happens. The set-up for the time portal and the Guild that watches over dead artists is original and feels fresh. Who cares about “can this really happen” when you've got a great hero to play with! I love books that allow me to escape the real world and this one did just that with humor and with a surprisingly emotional book.

Embedded in the story is a very emotional and moving look at a man who loved and lost and is willing to give everything up to love again. It's a moving love story with more meat to it than I expected. I will be checking out Gwyn's backlist to read her other time-travel romances since this one was a winner for me.

Have you read a Gwyn Cready book before? Do you like time travel romances? If so, which is your favorite or favorite time travel romance author? Tell me and you'll be entered to win a copy of Flirting with Forever by Gwyn Cready!

Winner annouced Wed. June 30th - Open to US and Canada residents only.

AudioBook Week Winner!

I had a blast being a part of AudioBook Week and want to thank Jen at Devourer of Books for hosting a fantastic week for bloggers to share their love of Audio Books.

I'm pleased to annouce the winner of my AudioBook Week giveway, as selected by Random.org, is comment # 8...


Congratulations! I will email you with a list of AudioBooks I have for you to select from. You can also email me at cheekyreads @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you read this first.

Thanks to everyone for participating in AudioBook Week and I hope if Cheeky Reads is a new-to-you blog, that you'll stop by again soon!

Happy Reading
Cheeky Girl Sabrina

Audio Book Week: Audio Book Recommendations

Today Audio Book Week is focusing on what Audio Books we would most recommend to readers.

Head over to hostess Devourer of Books website to see her recommendations and check out the Mister Linky for a list from other bloggers to.

Here is my list of some of my favorite Audio Books:

Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas - Narrated by Rosalyn Landor - Brilliance Audio (LOVE this narrator)

The Rachel Morgan Series by Kim Harrison - Narrated by Marguerite Gavin - Tantor Audio (Start with Book 1 - Dead Witch Walking)

The Janissary Tree: A Novel (Yashim the Eunuch) - Narrated by Stephen Hoye - Tantor Audio

The Malory Books by Johanna Lindsey - Narrated by Laural Merlington - Brilliance Audio (Start with Book 1 Love Only Once)

There are so many more, but I don't want to overload you! If you are trying Audio Books for the first time, please take all the blogger recommendations into consideration - especially check out the narrators we list. That should help you make a better first step into filling your free time with even more great books!

AudioBook Week: When & Where Do You Listen? Giveaway!

AudioBook Week (Hosted by the lovely Devourer of Books) continues with today's topic - When/Where do you listen?

I'm excited to hear from other Audio Book lovers where they listen, but I'd also like to ask non-Audio Book listeners if they can think of times in their day where an audio book might be a great fit or help them make it through the day. I'd love to see if we can give suggestions to non-listeners and get them to try out Audio Books.

Personally, the number one spot I listen is in my car on my daily commute to and from work. I seriously hate radio DJ’s and their annoying chatter, but I also never really liked talk radio. At first I thought Audio Books would equate to talk radio, but I was so wrong.

Another awesome time I listen to audio books is on long car rides or vacations. I love picking something the hubby and I might both love and we can share the book together. We don’t have kids, but I can see how cool it might be to pick a book to entertain the entire family on a road trip.

The best guilty pleasure place I listen to Audio Books? While I’m in the tub! You ladies know that when you have water and bubbles it can make reading a book not the most relaxing experience. Who wants to keep wiping their wet hands off in order to turn the page or worry about dropping the book into the water? Putting on an Audio Book lets me relax into the bath and really escape.

So, where do you listen? Give our non-listeners some tips and hints for how Audio Books can expand their reading and make their day better! If you don’t listen to books, what do you think is holding you back? Comment to enter to win a brand new Audio Book from my pile. I’ll email the winner a list to choose from!

Sorry, but contest is open to US and Canada residents only at this time. Winner will be announed on Friday afternoon June 25th.

AudioBook Week: What Do You Want In An AudioBook Review?

Today's AudioBook Week topic is how should bloggers go about writing an Audio review, and what do readers/listeners really want to see in those reviews.

My Audio Reviews have slightly evolved since I started them. My main change has been that lately I've been giving two ratings to my reviews - one for the story and a second one for the narrator. That's because sometimes even the best narrator can't save bad writing and a bad narrator can ruin a well-written book.

Another new addition is adding the running time of the CDs because I think sometimes people want to know how long it will take them to get through a particular book.

One think I really wish I could include in my reviews - an audio excerpt. Even if it was only 10-20 seconds I think just hearing the narrator would help both the review as well as get more readers to try out AudioBooks.

Do you like seeing two ratings for AudioBooks - 1 for the story and 1 for the narrator? What else do you wish was included in an Audio Review? Would you like to hear short excerpts to help you make up your mind?

AudioBook Week! Why AudioBooks?

June is AudioBook month and if you are a frequent visitor to Cheeky Reads you already know how freakin much I love AudioBooks. The awesome Devourer of Books blog decided to host a week of AudioBook themed posts and events and I couldn't pass up spreading the love!

Check out Devourer of Books today to see her latest posts and enter to win some AudioBooks.

For today's post, she asked us to answer the question "Why AudioBooks?"

To answer this question, I think I have to actually talk about how I came to try out listening to AudioBooks. It's not a light story, but I'll try to keep it from going crazy emotional.

My commute to work is about 1 hour each way and a few years ago I would listen to the radio in the morning, but on the way home each night is when I called my Mom. Now, my mom was sick almost my entire life and had been disabled completely from around the time I was 12. It was hard moving away from my parents and the small town I grew up in, but my parents were my best friends and we spoke everyday.

So, never fail, I would call my mom at 6pm every single day. I would get in my car and tell her all about my life, what had happened that day, etc. And being the awesome mom that she was, she listened like no one else could. Before I knew it, I would be home and our conversation would be over. It was like that 1 hour commute was no time at all.

About three years ago my mother passed away. My dad, who was also older and disabled, wasn't available to talk at 6pm becuase he had friends that could only come visit him at that time. So, I found myself for the first time in about 4 years without my best friend to talk to and make that trip home fly by.

A few months passed and I suddenly started to realize something: I would have a great day at work, be excited about something, etc. but by the time I got home I would be depressed, angry, irritable. You name the bad mood. The hubby started asking why I was always snippy when I first got home and it made me realize something was off.

That something was that the long ride home without my mother to talk to was very lonely. It clicked for me that I really needed something to fill that time with, to take my mind off replaying every last conversation I'd had with mom over and over again. I was depressing myself every single day in that car without realizing it.

When I did figure it out, the next time I went to the library I saw the AudioBook section and thought "Why not?" Which was weird since I was a die-hard "You must read the print version" kinda reader.

I was so lucky that day because I happened upon an AudioBook of an unknown to me series, unknown to me author, and in a genre I don't normally read. And it was good. I mean really good. I'd hate to think of what might have happened if that first AudioBook had been bad. And it is true - AudioBooks can be hit or miss the same way printed books can. The wrong narrator can ruin a great story. A good narrator can take a so-so story and make it more compelling or exciting.

If that first AudioBook hadn't been terrific I think I would have missed out on one of my favorite things in the world now - and would have missed out on something that truly saved me.

That's how I think of AudioBooks - as something that saved me from a really bad time in my life. I was able to lose myself in those stories instead of focusing on my loss. I really cannot put into words how much AudioBooks mean to me.  To put it simply - I adore AudioBooks!

Monday Morning Cuteness

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Romance Book Review: Wanted by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Book Review: Wanted! Sons of Chance
By Vicki Lewis Thompson
Harlequin Blaze - June 2010
4 Heart Review

He's everything she's ever wanted...

Photographer Dominique Jeffries has come to Wyoming to find herself - her creative self, her sexual self. After escaping the engagement from hell, she's dying to break loose and live a little. And seducing a shirtless, sweaty cowhand looks like just the place to start...

Nick Chance isn't exactly a cowhand but, hey, he'll be whatever the lady wants! Only he soon realizes that this is more than just a quick roll in the hay. There's something about Dominique that calls to him, something about her that completes him. 

There's only one problem. Dominique wants a fling, not another relationship. 

Little does she guess how easily she'll be persusaded to take a Chance -- again and again and again!

This book starts off seriously hot and never lets up. The heat steams up the pages becuase the chemistry between Nick and Dominique rocks. These characters are perfectly matched both in attitude and sexually.

Vicki Lewis Thompson is one of my all-time favorite writers and although this is much different from her Nerd or Hex series, her voice still shines through. It's a wonderfully crafted story full of great characters and you will smile as you read it.

One theme that Vicki seems to use in some of her books is that it's the heroine who doesn't want to commit. These heroines know what they want and at first it doesn't include a relationship. I love that! It's a nice change from books where the heroine is pinning for the hero who doesn't want more than a roll in the hay until the end of the book.

This book was so good I read it straight through - love how I can do that with a good Harlequin. I loved all the characters, it was very steamy, and had a great ending. And lets not forget about that cover - I think Vicki scored one of the best covers I've seen in a long time! It surely inspires you as you read the book to imagine the photos that Dominique takes of Nick.

If you've ever wondered if a Harlequin can be hot enough for you, check this book out!

Have you ever read a Harlequin Blaze? Anything by Vicki Lewis Thompson? Let me know if you have and what you thought.

Book Review: Embers by Laura Bickle

Book Review: Embers
By Laura Bickle
Juno - Pocket Books - Urban Fantasy
4 Heart Review

Truth Burns. 

Unemployment, despair, anger -- visible and invisible unrest feed the undercurrent of Detroit's unease. A city increasingly invaded by phantoms now faces a malevolent force that further stokes fear and chaos throughout the city. 

Anya Kalinczyk spends her days as an arson investigator with the Detroit Fire Department, and her nights pursuing malicious spirits with a team of eccentric ghost hunters. Anya -- who is the rarest type of psychic medium, a Lantern -- suspects a supernatural arsonist is setting blazes to summon a fiery ancient entity that will leave the city in cinders. By Devil's Night, the spell will be complete, unless Anya -- with the help of her slamander familar and the paranormal investigating team -- can stop it. 

Anya's accustomed to danger and believes herself inured to loneliness and loss. But this time she's risking everything: her city, her soul, and a man who sees and accepts her for everything she is. Keeping all three safe will be the biggest challenge she's ever faced.

Wow! That's the only way I could think to start this review. This is an amazing, blow your mind if you love Urban Fantasy, debut novel by Laura Bickle.

I literally had to look three times to remind myself that this was a debut novel. The world-building is so compelling and fastinating, that I felt there was no way this was her first book!

This quote from M.L.N Hanover, bestselling author of Darker Angels, from the front cover really hit the nail on the head.

"Bickle has something great in Anya. Embers has everything: demons, ghosts, dragons, love, sex, police, and murder."

I agree - Anya is both a unique and kick-ass heroine. I cannot wait for more of her and the band of ghost hunters she reluctantly tags along with. One of the best Urban Fantasy heroines to come around in a long time, I felt Laura did an amazing job of making Anya something new in the Urban Fantasy world, but that she also made her incredibly real and honest.

Anya's feelings fill every page and carry you along her journey - I felt connected to her and that's totally a credit to how great Laura's writing and characterizations are. Likewise, the rest of the cast of characters are just screaming for more play time - including Anya's familiar salamander Sparky.

I cannot wait for the next book in the series, Sparks, to release so I can see what happens to Anya next and how she develops. I think once I've read the next book, I'll be able to say if I think Laura has created something I would put on par with Kim Harrison and Karen Marie Moning in terms of my love of the world-building.

I highly recommend this book if you love real Urban Fantasies. Do yourself a favor and check it out - it's not a light-hearted book, but a fantastic read.

Do you read Urban Fantasy? Do you like them darker, or with some romance thrown in. Do you think a story can be a true Urban Fantasy without a little bit of grit?

Romance Book Review: The Prince's Royal Concubine by Lynn Raye Harris

 Book Review: The Prince's Royal Concubine
By: Lynn Raye Harris
Harlequin Presents June 2010
3 Heart Review

Two glittering royal houses...

Prince Cristiano di Savare hunts his prey by ruthless means. Tonight's pickings -- Antonella Romanelli, crown princess of a rival country and part of a dynasty he has every reason to despise...

One majestic seduction...

Antonella is rocked by Cristiano's unexpected magnestism. But there's ice in his wolfish smile...She's far from the promiscuous spoiled socialite he believes her to be, but Cristiano is here to persuade her into compliance. If bedding her is what it takes, then it will make his mission all the more pleasurable...

I have to start this review by saying that although I adore Harlequins, Presents is not my go-to line. I'm a Blaze girl through and through with a little Intrigue thrown in. I absolutely love how fulfilling these stories are, without needing more than just a few hours to read one.

Harlequins are my way of fitting in awesome love stories even when I'm slammed by work or my daily life. A few stolen moments here and there and I've experienced a satisfying romance without having to "find time."

I have read and enjoyed many a Harlequin Presents through the years, even if they aren't my favorite. I tend to like my heroines with a little more spunk, world experience and my heros a little less domineering. An alpha male hero can be a great thing, if the motivation is right, but some Presents miss the mark for me.

I thought it was important to mention that before reviewing a Presents title. The nature of the line kinda means that the chances of one of its books blowing me away are slim. BUT, for some the Presents line is the bees knees so I wanted ove disclosure at the start of this review.

Lynn does an excellent job with writing this story and somehow manages to create a Presents heroine I'm not yelling at to get a backbone! In fact, I really loved the character of Antonella and felt very sympatheic to her story and how she was trying to help her country.

The hero Cristiano was a little harder for me becuase of his ruthlessness toward Antonella at the beginning of the story, but his true colors did show through quickly and he proved to be a sort of rescuing knight - one with ruinious seduction in mind, but still a knight that wouldn't leave a lady to die or fend for herself.

Since I'm a Harelquin fangirl, I'm well aware that the stories happen in a much shorter time frame than your normal romance, but in this instance it was the one thing that didn't really work for me. With Cristiano and Antonella's time together so limited, and with started off with so much hate between them, I couldn't take the leap to believing that Antonella was in love with him.

Maybe if Antonella had taken longer to come to that realization the story would have worked better for me, becuase everything else was there. Good characters, great plot, a good amount of chemistry and conflict. Very well done, I just needed more between them before she falls in so deep.

I give this a 3 Heart Review, but if Presents was more my style it could easily have been a 4. A good read from an author I'm looking forward to seeing more from!

New Release Tuesday

For releases this week, you have to check out all the launch books available from Carina Press. Here's the website link, and here are a few of the book covers...

Samhain Publishing Tuesday releases can be found here - check out a few of those covers...

Another release I was looking forward to this week is:

Carina Press Week @ Pearl’s World of Romance!

Carina Press Week
SO today I’m totally pimping for a fellow book blogger who is hosting a Carina Press Week at her blog that is so awesome I couldn’t pass up the chance to tell you about it.

Pearl at Pearl’s World of Romance (one of my fav book blogs!) hosted a very cool interview with Executive Editor Angela James yesterday, and continues the week with interviews and posts with Carina Press authors.
Like Pearl, I’m super excited about the launch of Carina Press and hope you’ll check out all their launch books here.

If you are looking for books from new authors and a fresh new publisher, make sure to Visit Pearl’s World of Romance this week!

Romance Book Review: Crush on You by Christie Ridgway

Book Review: Crush on You by Christie Ridgway
Berkley Sensation
June 2010 
5 Heart Review

The Baci sisters are on a mission to save Tanti Baci - the winery that's been in their family for generations - by transforming it into the perfect wedding destination. 

If only they didn't need the help of the Bennett brothers next door...

Alessandra Baci is determined to makes sure the winery's first wedding goes off without a hitch. Unfortunately, the "Nun of Napa," as she's affectionately known n, has had some bad luck when it comes to nuptials, starting with her own wedding day five years before when her fiance didn't arrive at the alter. Still, she'll do anything to keep her promise to her father - even if it means enlisting the help of the sexy Penn Bennett...

Straight out of Hollywood, where he's the handsome star of prime time's hottest home renovation show. Penn is Alessandra's only hope for restoring the crown jewel of the Baci estate. Too bad the Bennett men, who own the winery next door and are the sister's greatest rivals, are off-limits. Becuase Penn would like nothing more than to teach the sinless "Nun of Napa" an unholy, hands on lesson...

I adored the opening scenes of this book - filled with humor, sadness, insight and immediately making the reader want to know who Alessandra is and what happened to her - it kicks off a book I read through in a single sitting.

The inital meeting between Alessandra and Penn doesn't disappoint, and neither does their chemistry throughout the book or how Ridgway layers both backstories along the way.

In fact, she perfectly weaves Alessandra's story in a way that keeps you wondering and never ventures anywhere close to an info dump. What's even better is how you can really understand how Alessandra feels about the town's view of her as "The Nun of Napa." This alone is proof that Christie Ridgway is a kick-ass writer and expert storyteller.

Hero Penn will amuse and his quest to prove Alessandra is no Nun will have you smiling as you fly through the pages. The little added details about being a TV star were layered throughout the story and ring completely true. It's a fun, fictional look at that life.

On a side note, there is a secondary relationship in the book that rocked my world and I would have begged for it to have been it's own book. Seriously - Can we do a prequel that ends during the same time frame? Maybe I need to send that request straight to Christie and her publisher.

This book is the first in a new series by Ridgway and I am so looking forward to the next ones as it seems they will include Alessandra's sisters and more Bennett brothers.

I've been reading a ton of funny, sexy contemporary romances lately and there is a reason - a good one makes my day. These are the stories I love the most - I'm a blogger that will shout out my love of contemporaries to anyone who'll listen. Contemporary Romance isn't dead - it's thriving with authors like Christie Ridgway setting the bar.

As always, I want to know - Have you read a book by Christie Ridgway yet? If so, tell us what you thought. Have you ever dreamed of visiting Napa? I know I have!

Monday Morning Cuteness!

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see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Do you organize your home bookshelves? Are they alphabetical, by author or by genre? I really want to know since I'll be undertaking organizing my books soon and can't decide!

Book Review: Shut Up and Kiss Me by Christie Craig

Book Review: Shut Up and Kiss Me by Christie Craig
Love Spell - Dorchester Publishing - Guaranteed Read
3 Heart Review

WELCOME TO PRECIOUS, TEXAS...where fistfights serve as dinner theater and fire ants rain from the sky. The locals are usually very friendly, if a bit eccentric. No pictures please, or you may find yourself a guest of the county morgue.

Photojournalist Shala Winters already had her hands full bringing tourism to this backward, podunk little town, but her job just got tougher. Pictures can say a thousand words, and one of Shala’s is screaming bloody murder. Now she has to entrust a macho, infuriating lawman with her life—but she’ll never trust him with her heart.

Trusted or not, Sky Gomez isn’t about to let a killer get his hands on Shala’s Nikon—or any of her more comely assets, for that matter. Her mouth might move faster than a Piney Woods roadrunner, but all he can think about is how good it must taste…and how she’ll never escape true love.

If you haven't read Christie Craig then you're missing out on some of the funniest, quirkiest and literally laugh out loud books being published. Craig never fails to make me laugh, smile and sit on the edge of my seat as the suspense develops. It's not often an author can create a book both full of danger and suspense, while at the same time giving you characters who crack you up and keep you smiling.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you know I LOVE a story that can make me laugh and Craig delivers with Shut Up and Kiss Me, just as she does in all her books. Craig's books are memorable because they are unlike most other books out there in their truly original characters, quirky humor and her dedication to making the eccentric seem like it's as normal as the sun rising.

While I enjoyed this book, it was not my favorite of Craig's. Maybe that's an issue - an author whose previous books you loved so much that you make it almost impossible for them to keep topping themselves! I'm not sure how I would have rated this book if it was the first I'd read by the author. I tend to think it would have gotten a higher rating than the 3 Hearts I have given it here.

It was a very enjoyable and well-written book, but again suffers from being compared to Craig's other books in my memory. That's why I'd like to give the author herself a rating - Craig is a solid 4 - with hints toward a perfect 5 for me. I give this rating because I don't want you to see a 3 Heart Review and think this book fell short - it didn't. 

You are really missing out if you haven't picked up a Christie Craig book and enjoyed her unique sense of humor sprinkled with suspense and a whole lot of heat!

Do yourself a favor and give her books a try and then come back and thank me. :)

Have you read any Christie Craig books? If so, which was your favorite? If not, do you like funny romances or are you all about the dark drama? What type of tone do you most enjoy reading?

Welcome Guest Author Marie-Claude Bourque & Comment to Win!

MCB-photo-verysmall Why I find Snape Sexy: My Love Affair With Sorcerers.

I think my love affair with sorcerers started when I was a kid and read (and reread) a French historical series called Angélique by Anne and Serge Golon. Set in the 17th century, the series featured a heroine whose one true love was her first husband, a count and alchemist who was left limping after a brush with the inquisition and that she believes dead for a big part of the series until she is reunited with him after many adventures. He was older and wise and yes, very sexy.

Later in my teens, I fell for a powerful wizard from the first Dragonlance series written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. This wizard, called Raistlin Majere, is physically weak but extremely powerful. And maybe that is why I love wizards and sorcerers so much, it’s their powers that make them so alluring.

There is a great scene in one of the Harry Potter movie where Snape dramatically enters the classroom, his robes billowing behind him as he closes the window shutters with one hand gesture. I love that scene. So much power! How can I not fall for Snape there! I know, he’s a little creepy, but I always fell for the underdog. When Harry Potter screams his Patronus charm and yells Expecto Patronum in the dark forest, in yet another very intense scene of a Harry Potter movie, I can see how enticing he will become as a man.

It’s no wonder I chose to make my ANCIENT WHISPERS heroes sorcerers. Not only they possess this incredible magical power, but also, because I can do what I want in the word I created, these men are tall, strong and extremely handsome. Most were warriors in their time and learned magic as they became immortal in order to find their lost soul mates who are now reborn in modern time.

Replacing wizard robes with long coats that hide the magical components needed for their spells and the enchanted dagger that cuts through various dimensions, these sorcerers are everything I always dreamed of, strong, sexy, and powerful, very powerful. They make a woman want to hide in their arms, absolutely protected from anything within the safety of their coats, their masculine scent enveloping them like an overwhelming yet enticing shadow.

When I started to write about my sorcerers, each deadly, haunted by a tortured past, I hadn’t read any modern romance with wizard, sorcerer or alchemist hero. I am sure they exit and I’d love to find more. Just last month I discovered Jim Butcher’s series the Dresden files. When I read on the book cover that it was like a wizard Robert B Parker book, I knew I had to read the series (I’m a Robert B. Parker addict). I bought the first one and wasn’t disappointed. I’m waiting impatiently for the next ones in the series that I just ordered,

AncientWhispers-original-medium So here is my challenge to you readers, please give me some recommendation of wizards, sorcerers or magic-user romance that, like mine, is set in real world modern time. I am currently happy reading the Dresden files, but I need something else to read next!

Please give me a suggestion and I’ll give-away a signed copy of ANCIENT WHISPERS to a lucky commenter!


Marie-Claude Bourque is the American Title V winner and author of ANCIENT WHISPERS, a sensual gothic paranormal romance filled with sorcerers and Celtic priestesses in search for eternal love in modern time. She worked as a climate research scientist, a scientific translator and a fitness expert until she turned to fiction writing. She draws her inspiration from the French legends of her childhood and a fascination for dark fantasy.

ANCIENT WHISPERS, a Dorchester –Love Spell release is available now wherever books are sold. Find more at www.mcbourque.com and don’t forget to enter the contest for her month-long virtual release party at www.mcbourque.com/launchparty

Let’s Do the Hop! The Book Blogger Hop :)

cfb meme button The lovely Crazy For Books is hosting the Book Blogger hop again this Friday and I highly recommend you check out the site to find tons of great new blogs!

If you’re finding Cheeky Reads from the hop, Welcome! I read and write about Romance Book including all sub genres like UF, Paranormal, Mystery, etc. I also do audio book reviews.

Check out the current giveaway I have today with author Marie-Claude Bourque for a signed copy of Ancient Whispers – her hot new paranormal romance!

Happy Reading!

Cheeky Girl Sabrina

Audio Lovin’: Audio Book Review of Savor the Moment (Bride (Nora Roberts))

Performed by: Angela Dawe
Brilliance Audio Unabridged Version
Approx. 9 Hours
Story – 4 Heart Review
Voice Performance – 3 Heart Review

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts cordially invites you to meet childhood friends Parker, Emma, Laurel, and Mac — the founders of Vows, one of Connecticut’s premier wedding planning companies.

Laurel McBane has always relied on her friends for support, especially when her dream of attending culinary school was almost ruined by her parents’ financial problems. Now Laurel is repaying the kindness of her friends by creating extravagantly luscious tiers of cakes and other confectionary delights that add the perfect touch to their clients’ weddings.

As for romance, Laurel believes in it — in theory. But she’s too low-key to appreciate all the luxuries that other women seem to long for. What she does appreciate is a strong, intelligent man, a man just like Parker’s older brother, Delaney Brown, on whom Laurel has had a mega crush since childhood.

But some infatuations last longer than others, and Laurel is convinced that the Ivy League lawyer is still out of her reach. Plus, Del is too protective of Laurel to ever cross the line with her, or so she thinks. When Laurel’s quick- silver moods get the better of her — leading to an angry, hot, altogether mind-blowing kiss with Del — she’ll have to quiet the doubts in her mind to turn a moment of passion into forever…

Narrator Angela Dawe gets the heroine Laurel’s voice perfectly, but Emma and Mac’s voices tended to draw me out of the story. The male voices weren’t bad, but didn’t stand out to me as great or memorable. Again though, Laurel’s voice seemed to match the character perfectly.

This was a very solid, well-developed story and one would expect no less from La Nora. She’s a #1 best seller for a reason ladies – because she knows how to structure a story and create characters you can get wrapped up in.

As I listened to the story, I was struck by just how much detail was focused on Laurel’s baking and the weddings and wished that those details had been more in the background and the romance had more front and center time.

That was my only issue with this story that sometimes I got frustrated with all the details about stuff other than the romance. These are two fun, great characters that are made for each other – focus on them!

I wasn’t disappointed in the romance and loved all the other characters – if you don’t count the off voices – and can highly recommend this story whether in book form or in audio. If the romance would have had more face time then this book could have been a 5 Heart Review for me.

Monday Morning Cuteness!

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see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Happy Memorial Day - I hope you are enjoying some time off work and are reading something great over the weekend. Happy Reading!

Audio Lovin': Audio Book Review of Reckless by Amanda Quick

Audio Lovin: Audio Book Review of Reckless by Amanda Quick
Performed by Anne Flosnik
Briilliance Audio Unabridged Version
11 Hours : 55 Minutes
Story – 3 Heart Review
Narrator – 5 Heart Review

At sixteen Phoebe Layton had imagined that Gabriel Banner was a brave and valiant knight, a noble-hearted hero born to rescue ladies in distress. Which was why, eight years later, when she desperately needed help to carry out a vital quest she could think of no one more suited to the job than Gabriel.

But when she lures her shining knight to a lonely midnight rendezvous, Phoebe finds herself sparring with a dangerously desirable man who is nothing like the hero of her dreams, and when he sweeps her into a torrid – and blatantly unchivalrous – embrace, she can’t help but fear that she’s made a dreadful mistake. It’s a kiss that will seal Phoebe’s fate. For now the exacting Earl of Wylde has a quest of his own: to possess the most intriguing, impulsive, outrageous female he has ever met…even if he has to slay a dragon to do it.

Right off the bat, I knew I was going to have fun with this audio book. The narrator (voice performer?) Anne Flosnik did excellent voices, and the hero and heroine had me wrapped around their little fingers very quickly.

This was audio book that had me literally smiling as I drove down the highway. First off, Anne does a wonderful job with the voices transporting you to the time period. What made me smile was that if ever there was an audio book made for a drinking game this is it and the narrator adds so much fun with her tone!

Just what do I mean? Well, without giving away any spoilers, I can tell you the hero and heroine are on a quest to find a book called the Lady and the Sorcerer. Now – take the word Sorcerer and make it Sore-soar-roar in a sing song voice and you have an instant drinking game! Mrs. Quick includes the title of the book so many times you’ll be drunk before you’re even past the first few chapters. It could have been insanely annoying, but again, the way the narrator says the line cracked me up every time.

My issues with this audio book didn’t involve the great narration. Instead, I was disappointed in the characters as the story moved forward. I adored the heroine Phoebe at the beginning of the story, but found myself falling out of love with her as the story progressed. Why? Because the author created such a smart, intelligent and witty woman in Phoebe and then made her seem to regress in intelligence and become more naïve as the story went on. Phoebe lost the wit and spunk she showed in the first few chapters and this made me lose interest in the story.

There were also a few parts of the story I felt didn’t feel right. Phoebe and Gabriel were smart and yet they only watch the front of a building when trying to catch a thief. Hello – everyone knows thieves don’t go in the front door! It felt like this part of the plot was forced and didn’t go well with what the characters would have thought to have done.

Gabriel was a hero readers will swoon over and Phoebe is great in the beginning. She’s still “her” at the end, but I just felt that the story didn’t hold up the promise of her character that was presented at the beginning. It’s like, LOOK – awesome strong historical female, and then she slowly loses her intelligence. I just shake my head as I write this because Phoebe rocked it at the start of the story.

I did get many chuckles – even beyond the drinking game phrases – and enjoyed listening to this historical romance. I will definitely be listening to more of Amanda Quick’s audio book and cannot say enough about how well Anne Flosnik did with the voices.