A Steal of a Deal - Bid on a Awesome Book Package!

So today's Bria GH Auction Items have gone live and there is one that I really wanted to highlight for Cheeky Readers followers:

A book package from author Leslie Dicken - Either Print or EPub
OPEN: 2:30pm

CLOSE: 4:30pm

Leslie Dicken has offered up her three books – A Tarnished Heart, Beauty Tempts the Beast, and The Price of Discovery — for auction, as well as a lovely heart pendant.
Here's what I've previously said about Leslie's book Beauty Tempts the Beast right here on Cheeky Reads:

I read Beauty Tempts the Beast in one sitting and really loved it. In fact, when I went to draft the questions for this interview I found myself completely re-reading the story - less than a month later! If you are a historical romance fan I cannot recommend this book enough. On the Cheeky Reads scale I give it a 4 Heart Review - It really is a fantastic read! -- Cheeky Girl Sabrina
You can go bid on Leslie's package by clicking here!

Amazing Auctions Ahoy!

I met the lovely and amazing writer Bria Quinlan at RWA Nationals last year and was super excited when she was nominated for the Golden Heart this year! Unfortunately Bria can't afford to pay for it this year so Bria's GH Auction was born!

Read all about Bria and check out the auction items by clicking here. Today's items go live at 2:30pm EST. Some items yesterday went super cheap!

There are some pretty awesome things there - from Critiques for writers, books for readers, pretty awesome looking steampunk jewelry and more! Please stop by and consider bidding to help a writer not miss her possible big award day! :) *crossing fingers*

Cheeky Girl Sabrina

Back From Vacation!

So yesterday I got back from my Caribbean vacation and had to spend the day getting settled back into work before I could start posting again. I thought I would post a pic of the beach or me reading on the beach this morning, but my camera is not coorperating. :(

As a blogger, you always say you are going to write up some blogs to auto-post while you are gone, but in the hetic days leading up to your vacation it never seems to really happen. Usually I can also ask for guest bloggers and authors while I'm out but the day job has been crazy lately so I ran out of time for even that!

So, all that is to say I'm sorry I left you hanging in the lurch!

I have a few blogs coming up later today about some really awesome auctions going on right now for great causes and I hope you will come back to check them out.

I miss you all and hope you read something awesome this past week!

Cheeky Girl Sabrina

Fun With Book Trailers!

Nowhere Near Respectable by Mary Jo Putney

Savage Nature by Christine Freehan

When You Dare by Lori Foster

4 Heart Book Review: Caught on Camera by Meg Maguire

Caught on Camera
by Meg Maguire
Harlequin Blaze April 2011
4 Heart Review

How to Survive the Night with the Hottest Guy on Camera

Wilderness survival television star Dominic Tyler (TY) and his assistant Kate Somersby are stranded in a remote cabin during a freak winter storm. Things look pretty bleak – until they make a fire and strip off their wet clothes...

Act 1 – Set Up
Survive This! Is Kate's life...as are the unscripted fantasies about Ty, her boss and best friend. But when Kate is suddenly injured, Ty decides filming is too dangerous for her. This will be Kate's last adventure for a while.

Act II- Plot Point

Kate is furious and threatens to quit. But Ty needs her. So what can he do? Keep her occupied by filming every minute of their intense and definitely unrehearsed sex!

Act III – Cliff-Hanger
It's Kate's choice now: Her hard-won career? Or end credits featuring dangerously wild sex with Ty? Ha. Some choice. But either way, the final cut is guaranteed to be a thrilling ride!

The Cheeky Nutshell:
Meg Maguire is an exciting new Harlequin Blaze author who'll be on my auto-buy list for her emotionally complicated but totally realistic characters that I loved from page one. Caught on Camera was a tightly structured book that kept the entire focus on the emotional struggles of the hero and heroine. The intense focus on the internal conflicts in this story raised it above the average Blaze, which with how much I love Blazes says quite a lot.

I liked the fun tone of the back cover copy on this book and actually feel like the book is both slightly different than the blurb describes, and also much better. The blurb doesn't give the reader even a hint of the deep emotions these two characters have for each other from before the story even begins.

That was something else about this story that I loved, that the love fully existed on page one and the reader got to spend the entire book wrapped in those emotions.

This was happily a nicely hot and steamy book and I enjoyed the interaction between Kate and Ty. Both their verbal sparring and hot and heavy moments. Ms. Maguire can sure write a kick-ass love scene. :)

One thing that pulled me out of the story slightly was this thing Ty did about almost kissing Kate. Maybe it was something in the description. Maybe it was that it was from Kate's point of view and our understanding of it was muddled up with her not understanding it. It just seemed slightly off. Made me go "What?" You'd have to read the story to fully get it, I'm just not able to fully explain why it threw me off.

Lastly, there were a few points in this book where I thought "Oh no, it's going to be predictable. I know exactly what is going to happen." And guess what? It totally didn't go there. It surprised me and that was great.

I definitely recommend this book to any reader who's ever watched those adventure survival shows and caught yourself thinking about those men. You'll love Ty! I also think Blaze lovers are going to eat up this new author addition to the line and I think we'll see many more books from Ms. Maguire.

You can check out more info on Caught on Camera here

Monday Morning Cuteness!

Funny Pictures - Cute Kittens
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

I love this photo! Also, I wanted to post an update that my eye procedure went great and my vision is awesome. I'm still having a little haziness looking at lights (including my computer monitor) so I won't be online much the next day or so, but I'm doing well and can't wait to get back to reading!

Happy Reading!

When Word Of Mouth Doesn't Disappoint

Sometimes you hear so much awesomeness about a book that it really never has a chance to live up to the expectations that have been built up about it. Then, there are those books that deserve every single bit of purple prose that they've received.

I've found one of those books and I can't even wait to finish it before coming on here to tell you I LOVE IT!

What's the book? It's actually a book released last year and up for TWO Rita Awards this year - When Harry Met Molly by Kieran Kramer.

Now, for as many people who sang the praises of this book, there were just as many who thought it fun but too unbelievable. For me, it was the fact that it was so over the top that made it so much fun and I'm loving the happy mood this book is putting me in.

I still have about 50-75 pages to go, but I have to say this book does not disappoint. So...FUN. Just can't keep from saying that word over and over. I also can't wait to read the next books in the series which lucky for me are already out!

When The Lights Go Dark...

This weekend I'm doing something completely insane in my mind. I'm having LASIK eye surgery after 20 years in glasses and contacts. It has taken me about 5 years of researching, visiting doctors, talking to friends, etc in order to come to this decision and I have to say that I'm extremely excited about it.

I'm also get REALLY nervous. Like watch crazy grahic videos of surgeries during my lunchbreak nervous. I 1000 times over do not recommend you do this if you are ever having a procedure done. Do NOT look it up on YouTube no matter how much you want to know. :)

But this post isn't about my being nervous of the surgery. It's really about being nervous about the What Ifs. Now, let me start by saying that I'm fully prepared and knowledgeable about what I'm going to do and am going to a great doctor.

BUT, there is always that chance that the worst could happen and I would lose my vision. As someone whose biggest pleasure in life is reading I'm nervous about how this decision might turn out.

What would I do if I could no longer read the words on the written page?
If you have read Cheeky Reads for some time, you might know that I'm a huge lover of AudioBooks. Like HUGE. (Insert Trump voice over here) But what if that was the only way I had to enjoy books? Would it be enough for me or would I curse my decision to have an elective eye procedure for the rest of my life? It's a daunting question for this book lover and once I can't get out of my mind.

One thing is certain. These thoughts have given me a brand new appreciation for those services available for visually imparied people and a desire to learn more about how books are being transformed into audio and other mediums for them.

If something happened to you tomorrow and you could no longer read your favorite books, would you try out audio books? Do you currently listen to audio books? Hell, have you had LASIK and everything turned out fine and you can tell me to quit being silly?!?

Secondary Characters That Draw You In

So I've been listening to the second book in Sabrina Jeffries' School of Heiresses series and even with this second story, I'm still hit with the same feelings I had in the first. I care way more about Charlotte Harris and Michael's story than I do about the one I'm supposed to be reading/listening to!

I find myself waiting impatiently for each chapter to end so that the next chapter can open with another series of correspondance between Charlotte and Michael. THEY are the couple I long for and I eat up each little morsel of thier story as the chapters go by.

It does bother me slighly that the main story hasn't engrossed me enough to hold it's own against this so far very slight budding relationship between Charlotte and Michael. Is that because the stories aren't perfect for me, or is it that the Charlotte/Michael mystery is just so umm...mysterious that I can't help it!

I know that the final book in the series is their story, but I can't skip ahead! I feel like I need to see the exchanges between them through all the books or the final book won't be as compelling for me.

This got me thinking about other books and series that have secondary characters that take over the spotlight. Twitter seemed to agree with me last night that there are so many series where these characters become more of an interest than the main story itself.

What about you...What story have you read where you wanted the romance to focus on a character off to the side instead of the main hero and heroine? Is there a series you follow only for a chance to glimpse some small character's life? Have you read Sabrina Jeffries' series and felt the same way I did?

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

First up, we have the winner of Maureen O. Betita's hot new SciFi novella The Ship's Mistress:


Next, we have the winner of a copy of Bonded by Blood from Laurie London:

Linda Young!

Ladies - I'll be sending you an email soon or you can email me at cheekyreads @ gmail.com - Congrats and Happy Reading!

Operation Auction 2011 Is In Full Swing!

Some of you might remember when I posted this a few weeks ago:

Fellow Book Blogger Fatin lost her husband this past week to senseless violence. Her blog, RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk are helping to organize an auction to help her and her four daughters. Here is the post from that site with all the current information. I will post any updates I find out about.

From RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk:
Fatin has been an integral part of the romance community for years – she owns and runs this blog, is an administrator of the WriteMinded loop, an author assistant and a tireless advocate for romance novels. She is also a friend to many in this community. On Tuesday, March 8th, she lost her husband in a senseless act of violence, leaving her alone with four children. You can read more about the tragedy here: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/9233067/

Operation Auction is now fully live and bids are being placed left and right on Ebay! There is amazing stuff to be found for both readers and writers and I really do hope you'll take the time to give it a look and see if there is something there for you.

Please remember that this is for a very important cause so go bid! Click here to go to the entire Operation Auction store.

Guest Author Maureen O. Betita On The Hotness That Is SciFi! Comment To Win!

I'd like to welcome my personal friend Author Maureen O. Betita to Cheeky Reads today! You might remember that I've showcased her debut book The Kraken's Mirror and now she has two HOT novellas releasing so I just had to have her back on.

Maureen is a wonderful friend who has done so much for me and I have to say that I totally agree with with her - SciFi HAS always been hot! *Waving my SciFi Geek Flag high!*

SciFi Has Always Been Hot by Maureen O. Betita

Yup, it is my premise that science fiction as always been hot. Yes, it is also a very nerd oriented genre. People think that it’s all Leonard, Sheldon and Howard from The Big Bang Theory. And yes, sometimes it is.

But not always.

Science Fiction is a brainy genre, at its best. It’s technical and full of wonderful ideas and speculation about what could be someday. Arthur C. Clarke wrote about satellites before there were satellites. Asimov came up with the three laws of robotics – an idea that is likely to be part of artificial intelligence as it develops.

Tachyon emissions, anyone? One of my favorite examples of a bit of fiction that is misused. (There is no such thing as tachyon emissions. So, yes, there are idiot examples that somehow end up in the real world.)

There were a few programs on last year about the science of Star Trek. The science of Star Wars…and how much of it was real or how it had pushed scientists to work on innovation based on these bits of science fiction.

So, why not some hot science fiction? Kirk got the babes. Mr. Spock got his fair share. So did McCoy. I’ve taken it a bit further in my two new shorts from Decadent Publishing. Humans on alien worlds, dealing with aliens, dealing with how aliens influence them… Fun stuff.

In The Ship’s Mistress, my main character is Jahari, a woman born on a human colony of Jamba. It is part of a large confederation whose only means of staying in touch with other human colonies is through the auspices of an alien race, the Etwa. The human colonies spent centuries alienated from each other and so developed into separate societies, all reverted to a more primitive society. Technology is remembered, but doesn’t function or exist.

Jahari’s world is patriarchal, viewing woman as next to worthless. Unless they are beautiful. Her little sister is beautiful and in order to save her sister from a life of exploitation, Jahari turns herself over to the alien race in trade for her sister’s safety. Her adventures begin seven years later, when she is plying her trade on a new world. What is her trade? She is a fully trained and extremely valuable Etwan High Slut, a trade she is suited for, enjoys and takes great pride in.

The second novella is The Sister’s Story/ Sari’s Search. Little sister has grown up and wants to know about her past, where she came from, who the girl is she barely remembers. Her search takes her to Jahari’s world but before then, she faces frightening adventures, along with passionate episodes with the two young men helping her.

I was raised with the gods of science fiction holding a place of honor. Of course I grew up and found myself wanting to include it in my writing.

You can find me at www.maureenobetita.com

 Buy Link for all of Maureen's Books Here

What about you, do you think SciFi is hot? What's your favorite SciFi book or movie and why? Comment below for a chance to win the ebook of The Ship's Mistress!

Integrating Feedback Into Your Writing With Guest Author Alayna Williams

Integrating Feedback in the Writing Process
by Alayna Williams

Writing for oneself is a completely different animal than writing for other people. When writing for oneself, there's a freedom to explore any idea or format that one likes. There's freedom to make errors. With an audience of one, there's very little pressure to conform to the ideas of others. There are no rules.

Writing for others is different. When developing an idea or manuscript for sale, there's a certain amount of external input needed. Input comes in many forms: from beta readers, critique groups, agents, and editors. External input is invaluable: as a writer, I'm often blind to flaws and blatant errors in my own work. I can read the same sentence over and over and not see a mistake in logic that another will readily see. I think that it's really impossible to produce clean work in a vacuum. At least, that's true for me.

But too much feedback can also be a bad thing. Each reader approaches a manuscript differently, has different tastes and desires. One reader may adore a chapter while the next may hate it. And if I've solicited feedback from many sources, that feedback can sometimes conflict. I feel that I have to address *every* issue raised...even when there is no way to incorporate everyone's opinion. I can sometimes fall into analysis paralysis, and never find my way out of the revision forest. Too many cooks can spoil the broth.

I think that there's a balance between using our internal compasses and soliciting external feedback. To be certain, some feedback is vital and necessary. It produces a more sound work. And some of it - particularly editorial suggestions - are not optional.

But there must be limits. Writers must remember that not every book is for every reader. And creating a work that encompasses all possible feedback is frankly impossible. Overcritting a manuscript can sometimes be harmful...a writer can lose track of the original inspiration. Being in a state of constant revision can result in disjointed, disconnected parts. The flow can get lost. When I read manuscripts for others, I can often tell when plot threads were snipped and moved around over and over, because threads are dangling.

Sometimes, it's helpful for me just to set a manuscript aside for awhile. Let it percolate. Read it some months later with a fresh eye. Sometimes, the project will not see the light of day. I take what I've learned and move on. Sometimes, I'll go forward with the project after time has passed.

And I think that it's also helpful to develop a small network of folks who are able to act as crit partners. People who will be honest, who understand my genre. Folks who aren't afraid to scribble in the margins: "What the hell is this platypus doing here? And when did he learn to play the kazoo?"

I think that's valuable. I gather three or four sets of feedback, with the sources depending upon the project. With three or four recipes, I have a pretty good idea of how to improve my chicken soup. I still feel as if I have control of the project, and that the book isn't being written by committee.

With any artistic endeavor, you can't please everyone. And that's also true for writing groups and critique partners. The trick, I think, is to be able to filter feedback and integrate it into a work without losing track of what you set out to do.

Cheeky Readers - how many of you also write? Do you find yourself having trouble keeping a balance between using input and opinion overload? If you don't write, have you ever sent an author your opinion on thier book or wanted to tell them what you wished they'd done differently?

Check out Alayna's latest release:
Delphic Oracle #2
Pocket Juno Books
Mass Market Paperback, $7.99
ISBN 978-1439182819

"Alayna Williams writes with power and poetry, combining old mythos with complete ass-kickery. You don’t want to miss this series.” -National bestselling author Ann Aguirre

The more you know about the future, the more there may be to fear.

Tara Sheridan is the best criminal profiler around - and the most unconventional. Trained as a forensic psychologist, Tara also specializes in Tarot card reading. But she doesn't need her divination skills to realize that the new assignment from her friend and sometime lover, Agent Harry Li, is a dangerous proposition in every way.

Former Cold War operatives, all linked to a top-secret operation tracking the disposal of nuclear weapons in Russia, are disappearing. There are no bodies, and no clues to their whereabouts. Harry suspects a conspiracy to sell arms to the highest bidder. The cards - and Tara's increasingly ominous dreams - suggest something darker. Even as Tara sorts through her feelings for Harry and her fractured relationships with the mysterious order known as Delphi's Daughters, a killer is growing more ruthless by the day. And a nightmare that began decades ago in Chernobyl will reach a terrifying endgame that not even Tara could have foreseen…

Win a Kindle 3 WiFi Edition From Moira Rogers!

Moira Rogers is holding an awesome contest for readers to win a brand new Kindle WiFi Edition to celebrate the release of Wilder's Mate, the first story in their new Bloodhounds series. Check out the story details here and just comment to enter to win the Kindle! (See complete details below)

Wilder Harding is a bloodhound, created by the Guild to hunt down and kill vampires on America’s frontier. His enhanced abilities come with a high price: on the full moon, he becomes capable of savagery beyond telling, while the new moon brings a sexual hunger that borders on madness.

Rescuing a weapons inventor from undead kidnappers is just another assignment, though one with an added complication–keeping his hands off the man’s pretty young apprentice, who insists on tagging along.

At odds with polite society, Satira’s only constant has been the aging weapons inventor who treats her like a daughter. She isn’t going to trust Wilder with Nathaniel’s life, not when the Guild might decide the old man isn’t worth saving. Besides, if there’s one thing she’s learned, it’s that brains are more important than brawn.

As the search stretches far longer than Wilder planned, he finds himself fighting against time. If Satira is still at his side when the new moon comes, nothing will stop him from claiming her. Worse, she seems all too willing. If their passion unlocks the beast inside, no one will be safe. Not even the man they’re fighting to save.

Warning: This book contains a crude, gun-slinging, vampire-hunting hero who howls at the full moon and a smart, stubborn heroine who invents mad-scientist weapons. Also included: wild frontier adventures, brothels, danger, betrayal and a good dose of wicked loving in an alternate Wild West.
Wilder’s Mate Kindle Contest
Want to win a brand new Wi-Fi Kindle 3? All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and you can have your chance! For more chances to win, visit the main contest page. Every participating blog you visit gives you another chance to win!
This post is part of Moira Rogers’ Wild Web Adventure Promo. For full rules and disclaimers, or to hold your own kindle contest, visit the contest post. Winners will be chosen during the first week of April.http://www.moirarogers.com/blog/archives/3473

It Is On People! DABWAHA Voting is now open!

Every year Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books host the DABWAHA - the most awesome Romancelandia contest ever. Seriously, I look forward to this event every year, even if I do usually go down in flames. :)

This year is looking to be no different as a book I have going in a few rounds is dying a early death. So...

I'm totally pandering for your votes! I need you to help me keep The Summer of You by Kate Noble in this thing.

Now, if you help me do that I will do a giveaway here on Cheeky Reads. That's right, if The Summer of You makes it to round two then I'll host a giveaway here tomorrow!

Check out all the details about the DABWAH here.


A Romancelandia Tragedy: How You Can Help

Fellow Book Blogger Fatin lost her husband this past week to senseless violence. Her blog, RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk are helping to organize an auction to help her and her four daughters. Here is the post from that site with all the current information. I will post any updates I find out about.

From RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk:

Fatin has been an integral part of the romance community for years – she owns and runs this blog, is an administrator of the WriteMinded loop, an author assistant and a tireless advocate for romance novels. She is also a friend to many in this community. On Tuesday, March 8th, she lost her husband in a senseless act of violence, leaving her alone with four children. You can read more about the tragedy here: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/9233067/

The romance community would like to rally around her. Therefore, we will be holding auctions on ebay the last week of March. More information on exact days and donations will follow.

If you are an editor / agent / author and would like to donate something for the auction – such as a critique, mentoring, lunches at RT or RWA, swag, signed books, etc., please contact me (lillie80@gmail.com) or Sharon (sharonmuha@nc.rr.com) with your donation. Your help is greatly appreciated! Larissa Ione asked readers recently what type of items they’d most like to bid on, so you might find this list helpful: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialLarissaIone/posts/200490423313803